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12-year-old Syrian refugee sentenced after making 60 calls to 911

Photo published for 12-year-old Syrian refugee sentenced after making 60 calls to 911
A young Syrian refugee with a traumatic past and a hostile attitude toward police has ended up with a criminal record at only 12 years old.

The 12-year-old girl, who recently arrived in Winnipeg with her family, was charged with public mischief and assaulting a police officer after she and her younger sister called 911 60 times between July and August last year. They used different cell phones they found, making false reports that were designated as high-priority and wasted police’s time, court heard. After the final 911 call on Aug. 24, police responded to the family’s home, diverting resources away from investigation of a bomb threat that was happening simultaneously downtown

When officers arrived, the 12-year-old punched one while he had his back turned, and tried to hit him a second time. She threatened to make false allegations that the police had “touched her,” and threatened to kill the officers.

“I am going to work for ISIS. I hate you guys,” she told police, according to details shared in court during the girl’s sentencing this week.

She also said in her statement to police that she thought the 911 calls were funny and she would do it again. She spent 21 days in jail at the Manitoba Youth Centre following the charges.

She was sentenced to one year of probation, during which she must complete 75 hours of community service work and write letters of apology to the police officers involved. More at source