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Cops Beat Man & 7-Month Pregnant Wife then Deleted the Video, But it Survived on the Cloud


Denver, CO — The Denver police department has been accused of using excessive force after a video, which they allegedly deleted, survived on the cloud and was turned into FOX 31. 

The incident started as two officers approached David Nelson Flores, who was in his vehicle with his seven-and-a-half-months pregnant wife and their child, to shake him down after suspecting him of being in possession of a substance deemed illegal by the state.

Upon their approach, officers said they saw Flores put a white sweat sock in his mouth. Because the US is involved in an immoral war on drugs, this ‘sock in mouth’ move apparently gave the officers the right to yank Flores out of his car and proceed to pummel the man on the asphalt.

According to the police report however, a pair of plain clothes officers “assisted” suspect David Nelson Flores out of his car and they all “fell to the ground.”

The pummeling was for Flores’ own good, according to the police report. They bashed in his face and head so he wouldn’t “choke.”

At the moment the officers began struggling with Flores on the ground, Levi Frasier was driving by and pulled over his van to get a better look at the situation. At first, Frasier says, the undercover cops asked for his assistance in subduing Flores.

But Frasier said before he could react, backup arrived and they told him to get back.

That’s when Frasier turned on the camera.

Amazingly enough, as officers were involved in this *life threatening* situation, one of them had the wherewithal to warn his fellow officers about them being filmed. The word “camera!” can be heard shortly after officer Charles “Chris” Jones IV began beating in the face of David Flores.

Flores was struck six times by Jones after he yells, “Spit the drugs out! Spit the drugs out!” Like we said earlier, these six strikes about the face and head of Flores were for Flores’ well being, according to police.

According to police reports, Jones’ reasoning for the punches were twofold:

  1. Trying to retrieve what he believed was a bag of heroin from the suspect’s mouth (and preventing Flores from choking)
  2. Fear that one of the other officer’s arms was injured after being trapped beneath the suspect’s body

After seeing her husband’s head bouncing off of the pavement over and over again, Flores’ wife, Mayra Lazos-Guerrero, was scared that he may die, and began begging the police officers in Spanish to stop beating her husband.

Naturally Jones feared for his safety as the seven-and-a-half-months pregnant woman approached the beating zone, so he sweeps 25-year-old Lazos-Guerroro’s legs out from under her. The obviously pregnant woman then falls hard onto her stomach and face, as she begins to scream in agony.

She was screaming like, ‘What are you doing. Let him go! Let him go! Stop hurting him! What are you doing?,’” Frasier said. “She was just concerned for him. You could clearly hear that and as she got closer.”

After the police-on-pregnant woman violence subsided, Frasier says that’s when the Denver police officers became interested in his Samsung Tablet.
Read more at http://thefreethoughtproject.com/cops-beat-man-7-month-pregnant-wife-deleted-video-survived-cloud/#ZvLf1ArY4UFWK4Zk.99