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Sweden invests millions to teach migrants how to have sex ‘with blonde women’

The Swedish government wants to allocate 5 million Swedish crowns (around half a million euros) in migrant sex courses, news outlet Fria Tider reports. A portion of the money will be spent on the government’s sex information website “Youmo”, which provides translation in Arabic, Somali and Dari. The goal of the website is to teachRead More

Source: Sweden invests millions to teach migrants how to have sex ‘with blonde women’

The Swedish government wants to allocate 5 million Swedish crowns (around half a million euros) in migrant sex courses, news outlet Fria Tider reports. A portion of the money will be spent on the government’s sex information website “Youmo”, which provides translation in Arabic, Somali and Dari.

The goal of the website is to teach migrants “health, sexuality and gender equality”. On the website, sex information is illustrated, among other things, with several pictures of foreign men with blonde, Swedish women.

Under the tab “Being in love”, illustrated by a picture of a young blonde woman kissing a dark-skinned man, one can read, among other things, that “Being in love is usually a lovely feeling. Some people have been in love many times, others have never been in love. ”

Now, the Ministry of Youth and Civil Affairs (MUCF) is commissioned to further the education efforts in collaboration with the online youth reception network (UMO).

“The mission includes expanding the information on Youmo, expanding skills-enhancing efforts for professionals who meet young new arrivals, as well as providing long-term skills training for professionals through the development of web-based education,” the government writes.

The development of the website will primarily include the topics of prostitution and human trafficking, honour-related violence and oppression, including genital mutilation, sexual violence and sexual harassment.