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Justin Trudeau is Far More Dangerous Than Donald Trump — newcenter.ca

Readers of the above statement will likely fall into one of two categories: those who knew this all along, and those who will find the statement absurd. I am putting this argument out there for the latter category and hopefully it will be read with an open mind. If you are the type of person who doe

Source: Justin Trudeau is Far More Dangerous Than Donald Trump — newcenter.ca


This article sums up the dangerous season we are in. Yes, “dangerous”.


I believe that the tool that is being used to dupe us is political-correctness. It is a very powerful tool because it stifles all argument and creates the perfect conditions for mass manipulation of the population. Those in charge set all of the rules and conditions for conversation and a large percentage of the population becomes afraid to make statements that they know to be true; or worse, are forced to make statements that they know to be untrue. Christopher Hitchens issued a warning about this more than twenty years ago when he said, “There’s a police-state coming, get used to it. And it will all be done in the name of niceness”. Well, it’s arrived.


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