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The Deep State Shadow Government plotted to remove President Donald Trump before dirty cop Robert Mueller was assigned as special counsel?

These rogue agents at the FBI and DOJ were determined to destroy President Trump by any means necessary.

The Deep State wanted to “reign in Trump” — This is BEYOND sedition!

They spied on the Trump campaign before the election sending at least five operatives into the campaign to “create” a crime. When that didn’t work and President Trump was elected they continued to work day and night to remove him from office. Still today, the deep state FBI and DOJ are working to remove Trump and take down his administration. The media is their partner and Democrats are calling the shots.

On Friday deep state players revealed to CNN startling new details of their mission to destroy President Trump.
In the hectic eight days after President Donald Trump fired FBI Director James Comey, Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein and top FBI officials viewed Trump as a leader who needed to be reined in, according to two sources describing the sentiment at the time.

REVEALED: Deep State FBI Plotted to Remove Trump Before Mueller Witch Hunt – Opened Secret Obstruction Case Against US President BEFORE Special Counsel

They discussed a range of options, including the idea of Rosenstein wearing a wire while speaking with Trump, which Rosenstein later denied. Ultimately, then-acting FBI Director Andrew McCabe took the extraordinary step of opening an obstruction of justice investigation even before special counsel Robert Mueller was appointed, the sources said. The obstruction probe was an idea the FBI had previously considered, but it didn’t start until after Comey was fired. The justification went beyond Trump’s firing of Comey, according to the sources, and also included the President’s conversation with Comey in the Oval Office asking him to drop the investigation into his former national security adviser Michael Flynn.
