This video shows Huber isn’t what people claim. More Cover ups….
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This is a pivotal point in history. we can either stand up against this corruption. or we can silently condone the corruption. if any American chooses to take part in the latter action they are just as much a participating party of said corruption. 2019 one way or another will be forever marked in the history books as the day the American people made a choice!
Three times they sent over evidence and it was lost twice..
Police in California rescued a 14-year-old girl from a horrific ordeal this week after her friends used Snapchat to help cops find her in a San Jose motel room, where she was being held by three men, authorities said. Police in California rescued a 14-year-old girl from a horrific ordeal this week after her friends […]
CANADA’S RED PILL – November 27th 2018 : Examining the #GlobalCompact on #Migration , what it means for Canada and how our present day #Political #Parties are dealing with the imminent and obvious threat? Is anyone concerned that #Canada and the #USA could some day be enemies? Do we really want to piss off #POTUS […] Sorry, Dems, but THIS is what happens when almost everyone in your party is a lunatic. Sure, it’s still early, but polls show that most voters would rather see anyone else on the ticket over the current Democrat front-runners, including Beto, Bernie, and Joe. With this lineup of sorry contenders, it looks like […]