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Thousands of people protest in Vienna against the conservative Austrian government – Observador

Thousands of demonstrators demonstrated on Saturday in Vienna against the Austrian government, which was founded by the conservative party ÖVP, the political power of Chancellor Sebastian Kurz and the far-right and anti-immigration Party of Freedom FPÖ)

The protest by various According to local estimates, the police gathered around 17,000 people in one of the main squares of the Austrian capital

“One year after the inauguration of the government, we return to the streets again because of the right-hand detour represents a danger to all, “declared the protest organizers, whose main objective was to question the ideology and social policy of the executive cited by Chancellor Sebastian Kurz. 1

Measures taken by the Austrian conservative executive, which were challenged by the demonstrators, included the announced cuts in social benefits, especially for the population considered

The government of Sebastian Kurz justified the cuts with the aim of creating a “fairer” system and to give the Austrians more money.

Social benefits in Austria are the most vulnerable, such as the unemployed, immigrants and refugees. considered rather generous, which has sparked a political debate over whether these payments are not hindering work and its demands.

The Social Democratic opposition criticizes the reforms initiated by the conservative government of Sebastian Kurz and argues that these measures are effective

Another focus of the protests was the Austrian Interior Minister, the ultranationalist ideologue Herbert Kickl, who according to his critics in the The secret service has intervened and discriminated against the government’s critical social media, while giving the EU more resources and more power

Kurz’s party won the elections on 15 October 2017 with a harsh argument against immigration.

The party of Kurz won the elections of October 15, 2017.


Some 17,000 People Took Part in Anti-Government Rally in Vienna on Saturday 

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