“I don’t think Nancy has a clue,” “IT’S ALL RHETORICAL AND NOT DELIVERED WELL.” “SHE IS HURTING THE COUNTRY” https://twitter.com/Alt_News_TK/status/1092300072216219648
CivMilAir reported 17 C-130s over Texas headed for a region near the Area 51 Airbase in Lincoln County, Nevada. Source: Large-Scale USAF War Drill Over Nevada Simulated Forcible Entry Maneuver: War Preparations | Zero Hedge The first report of a massive military mobilization came from a social media account called @AChandlerCody, who allegedly shows video of 26 Lockheed C-130 Hercules preparing for […]
“He used to sneak me into his Fifth Avenue apartment in a black suitcase . . . when his wife was away. My knees would be up by my face. When the doorman would ask if he could help, Eliot would say, ‘No, thanks.’ ” Eliot Spitzer, famous for being the “victim” of an attempted […]