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“Transgender rights clash prompts walkout at CB Abraham Lincoln High” Teen girls stage school walkout to protest boys in their bathroom who claim to be ‘girls’

A clash over transgender students’ rights reached a boiling point at Council Bluffs A.L. High School Thursday.


Source: Transgender rights clash prompts walkout at CB Abraham Lincoln High


Student Brandi Scherlund said, “I believe if you have the male parts you go to the males’ bathroom and if you have the female parts you go to a ladies room and that’s just the way I was raised.”

Dr. Vickie Murillo, Superintendent of the Council Bluffs Community School District, said, “According to the U.S. Department of Education, which Iowa has adopted that same language and is now a part of our state law, our students who are transitioning into a new gender have the right to use the restroom that they identify. So it is our obligation to allow that to occur.”

The school was prepared for the walkout. They said it’s within the rights of the students to protest and that nobody would be punished for doing so.