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Abortionist Testifies: ‘No Question’ Babies Being Born Alive To Harvest Organs

Newborn baby just few minutes old under heating infrared light. Canon 1Ds Mark III
AZemdega/Getty Images

Last week, a California abortionist testified under oath that there is “no question” abortionists are allowing babies to be born alive in order to harvest their organs, a report from LifeSiteNews revealed.

Testifying during a preliminary hearing in the criminal case against undercover journalists David Daleiden and Sandra Merritt earlier in the month, Dr. Forrest Smith outlined gruesome details of the abortion business, of which he said Daleiden and Merritt only captured the “tip of the iceberg” with their shocking undercover videos.

“Smith testified that it is almost certain that some of the abortionists featured in the undercover videos deliberately altered abortion procedures in a way that both led to the birth of living babies with beating hearts, and put women at risk. The goal in these cases would be to obtain fresher, more intact organs,” LifeSiteNews reported.

Smith, who has reportedly preformed some 50,000 abortions, reviewed a video from the 2014 Planned Parenthood conference as an expert for the defense.

Alisa Goldberg, who presented the video, “spoke about using large doses of the drug misoprostol in order to carry out second-trimester induced abortions in one day rather than the four it usually takes,” Live Action reported. “Smith testified that this would lead to a live birth. Large doses of misoprostol, said Smith, would cause ‘tumultuous labor’ that leads to ‘fetal expulsion’ — meaning the baby would be born without any assistance from the abortionist and no instruments would be used. He testified that very few abortionists other than Planned Parenthood do this.”

“In this case clearly the intent is same-day surgery. They fully intend to put the uterus into labor,” Smith said.

When pressed if this would “lead to a live birth,” the abortionist answered, “There’s no question in my mind that at least some of these fetuses were live births.”

Smith also noted that a baby would “no question” be born “alive” in cases where Digoxin, which is used to cause heart failure in abortions, is not used, according to Live Action. “No question it’s alive,” Smith said.

The California abortionist said that a beating heart is what indicates a live or deceased baby — as opposed to “no breathing” or “no movement.”

“All testimony we have seen, no breathing, no movement, no cord” he said, or “arms, legs torn off, the assumption is: that is fetal demise. But that’s completely wrong.”

The abortionist’s testimony was particular jarring since Smith once loathed Daleiden and wished to expose him as a “fraud.” That changed when the doctor watched the undercover videos and spoke to Daleiden directly.

“I’m going to take down that son of a bitch. He’s f***ing with me now,’” Smith told the court he said of Daleiden in 2015. According to LifeSiteNews, Smith then met with the journalist in August of that year with the intention of  exposing “Daleiden as a fraud.”

Smith soon realized Daleiden was exposing the truth about the abortion industry and, chillingly, “didn’t know the half of what was going on.” HaTTiP