Last month, the UK’s Royal Navy reported that its high-readiness frigate, the HMS St Albans, shadowed and monitored a Russian warship travelling through the English Channel, in an attempt to protect British waters. Source: ‘Sharpening Teeth’: UK Warships Hold Anti-Sub Drills Amid ‘Russian Threat’ Fears – Sputnik International Last month, the UK’s Royal Navy […]
CANADA’S RED PILL – August 8th 2019 : Last August, on the 16th to be precise, 74 year old Diane Blain attended a Liberal rally with #Justin Trudeau to ask the Golden Boy of Canadian Politics when #Taxpayers would be reimbursed for the 146 Million dollars that were spent to welcome Illegal Immigrants to Québec […]
This conversation recorded from the NASA live cam is 100% proof that NASA knows about alien craft buzzing past and around the space station. When the Russian astronaut aboard the ISS said, “a ship…” The NASA ground control cut him off and said, “Copy all,” before he could finish what he was saying. She already […]