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Intel Drop #31 – The End Game Is Coming Into View

Intel Drop #31 – The End Game Is Coming Into View

“I continue to receive back-door comms from a source of mine. They continue to make threats. But I have concluded there is another purpose for it.”


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Update: If you have recently found our information, we recommend reading all of our posts going back to July of 2022, which have covered a multitude of issues in detail. You can find an introductory article here, our new Intel Drops here, and our older (censored) Intel Drops and website backed-up here via PDF (Telegram link for download) , Google Drive PDF (Intel Drop #1 starts at page 105) or here via the Wayback Machine.


Update: We are offering help for non-Sovereigns in CSRQ. Please learn about our rescue plan.


Update: You can read Bill’s most recent email newsletter online here.


The following was collated from a few wide-ranging conversations covering many topics. As always, these conversations are edited by Michael for clarity and for obfuscation purposes (see: Stylometry):


Bill: I want to start things off by asking how the whistle blowers are doing, and what they’re seeing now at this stage of CSRQ’s development?


Gideon: “They believe we are very close to all of this being implemented. We also have a date for when CSRQ is expected to come online, which we have shared with our Sovereigns.


In terms of how they are doing, there has been an increased security presence and more procedures for entry and exit at the fusion centre they work at, so they are adjusting to that.”


Bill: Ok, I know there’s been some slower back and forth communication, can you talk about that?


Gideon: “Well, I am having to look at how much we can ask the whistle blowers to do for us. We have a lot of various requests. We had been asking them to change CSRQ statuses to Sovereign, but that has ended, of course. We also have other requests, as well. At this point, I am trying to prioritize how we can utilize their help without burdening them or putting them at risk.”


Bill: I fully understand that. They’ve done a lot for us and always seem to do all they can. Are you just adjusting for this increased security or something else? Are they still safe?


Gideon: “They are safe and remain undetected. We do not believe the increased security is related to them specifically, or anything the cabal is doing to try to find them. It seems all of this is increasing across all the fusion centres, so there is some heightened sense of tension.”


Bill: Do you think the cabal is nervous? Do they think people will attack the fusion centres if they find out about CSRQ?


Gideon: “Why they are doing this, we are not sure. It is possible it is simply because CSRQ is about to come online, so naturally there will be more security.”


Bill: I still don’t see how people will accept CSRQ, or accept any of this. Can you talk more about that? We had some discussions before about that, and I want this in the Intel Drop because it’s quite interesting.


Gideon: “The digital enslavement being planned is the end of humanity, but the cabal does not expect much resistance to it. Incredibly enough, they appear to believe CSRQ will be widely accepted and in some cases, welcomed by the masses.”


Bill: What about Nigeria? They’re clearly doing all kinds of testing there, it’s like a testing ground for CSRQ, they’re doing digital money, banning cash, and so on, but there’s been a lot of resistance. Nigerians are angry about all of it.


Gideon: “Yes, Nigeria was chosen for a specific reason. Nigeria was determined to be the number one country and culture that would put up the most resistance to CSRQ, so testing was done there so the cabal can take what they learn and implement it worldwide.”


Bill: Why would that be? I would think it would be U.S.


Gideon: Nigeria is an emerging second world economy with a population highly sensitive to government imposition, rules and regulations. The people are simply used to open economic freedom there, the use of cash and bartering, and they do not like anything being imposed upon them. They are also not afraid to resist authority.


The United States is actually quite the opposite, as it is a culture highly adapted to a digital economy that is highly regulated, with a low propensity to resist authority and with a high law enforcement presence in all areas of life.”


Bill: Now that I see that way, I see you’re right. Who would you say are the most enslaved countries, or countries most likely to accept all of this?


Gideon: “Most European countries, China, then Australia, New Zealand, then Canada, then Russia, then the U.S., and beyond that, the cabal believes almost every country and society will accept CSRQ with almost no resistance at all. There are only infrastructure issues, such as with Mexico, Cuba, Argentina, for example, and in Africa, and all of that is being worked out right now.


There will be a lot of grief expressed online, and some odd-ball localized protests, but it will be similar to the vaccines and lockdowns, which were largely accepted. Only after a year or two of it, we saw the Canada trucker protest. That was the only major protest against the complete insanity imposed on all of humanity.”


Bill: I guess this leads to a bigger question, about how the psy ops and agenda has already enslaved the world. Would you say we’re already enslaved?


Gideon: “In a general sense, yes. Enslaved mentally and spiritually, yes. The cabal is quite confident in all of this, because people simply have no will to resist. Others may have a sense something is wrong, but they will prefer to simply go along to get along. They will conform.”


Bill: All of this looks so evil to me, that it’s obvious it’s evil. How can people not be afraid of cashless society, all of these surveillance and tracking measures, how can this not create some kind of suspicion on their minds?


Gideon: “Again, it would go back to decades of psy ops that have conditioned people to be this way. They are already heavily poisoned and medicated, already programmed by the televisions and social media they worship. They are completely, spiritually bankrupt. The religious leaders they follow and the churches they attend do not even speak out against this agenda!


So, most of the world is ready to take orders and conform, as they did during the fake pandemic. They passed all of the tests the cabal wanted to see, they passed them with flying colours. Very few resisted in any real way, even though everything going on was obviously a lie and propaganda.


Interestingly enough, the most suspicion and resistance was seen in Africa, where the full Covid program was not even implemented, likely because of expected backlash.”


Bill: Is Africa a safe place to go?


Gideon: “There would be a handful of safe countries there, but they are all expected to conform to CSRQ. But there may be places preferable to be over the first world countries, probably places with limited infrastructure and isolated.”


Bill: Ok, I’m going to diverge here and talk about a few things in my notes. I wanted to ask you about some of your sources. I know you have good ones. What are they saying? Well, hold on, before I get to that, I have to ask about the firing of Tucker Carlson. That is major news. Then I’ll circle back to my original question.


Gideon: “Yes, well, certainly his firing is a major event.”


Bill: We saw he was listed as a Sovereign, what’s your take on that? Why would they fire one of their own? Or had he gone off the reservation, so to speak?


Gideon: “I do not know the answer to that. It is possible he resisted, or rejected the cabal. Some of his more recent stories and coverage was very candid in terms of exposing the cabal. Or, there may be another agenda, and he may still work for them. The cabal likes to prop up their controlled gatekeepers, then bring them down, and use them in various ways.”


Bill: You would think it would wake Americans up a little, right? Here he is telling the truth, he is making Fox News a lot of money, and they choose to fire him and lose billions in their stock price, all because he told he truth.


Gideon: “If by now an American has not figured out they are enslaved and their government is evil, then they are already too far gone to understand or see the truth around them.”


Bill: Ok, back to your sources. What are you hearing from them?


Gideon: “A lot of things. A lot more concern lately. The concern is more centred around what is going to happen to them, since most of them are Common class in CSRQ. If we did not check on them, they believe they are Common or a lower class.


So, despite their service to their respective countries, they see they are not Sovereign and they will be enslaved like everyone else, and I am seeing more of them either wanting to blow the whistle themselves or find ways to prepare. I am seeing most of them realize now it is too late, and they should have done something sooner.”


Bill: We talked about this, but would you say some of your sources were more blue pill? You know what I mean? I remember you said at least one of them got vaccinated.


Gideon: “Some are, yes, some are career government employees, or with a background in the military. They have a history of following orders and respecting the government hierarchy. They are not anarchists or rabble rousers. They are on the inside, they see what is going on, they have some times participated in it, and most have a conscience now and they speak to me candidly about what they see.”


Bill: What are they seeing? What info are they giving you?


Gideon: “More or less continued, third party confirmations of CSRQ. Everything that is coalescing into the  final end game.”


Bill: Do they know about CSRQ specifically?


Gideon: “Some do, some do not, but they still have intel that correlates to it, that confirms it.”


Bill: How much time do we have?


Gideon: “Three to four months.”


Bill: I’m still having trouble accepting that Americans will accept this garbage. How do you see it being rolled out in the U.S.? Because I know Europe will accept it, so will Asia, so will Australia.


Gideon: “Well, for one thing, FedNow is not CSRQ or USDR, but it is the backbone of it, and an upgrade needed so that the U.S. is in compliance with the Europe and Canada, and the rest of the world, in terms of digital transactions.


That is the first, key step, and from there, you will see restrictions on cash, then an event will occur that will turn the world upside down, and then CSRQ will come online.


When Americans are left stranded without access to banking, fearful of the economic turmoil, it is expected they will adapt to CSRQ and even accept it, in terms of the debt forgiveness and monthly guaranteed income.”


Bill: It’s mind-blowing to me, but we talked about this, the way people are just resigned to the hellscape before them. What’s incredible is how many people are actually awake, but don’t care. It’s not as though they deny these things, they will say, “Yeah, cashless society is bad, but what can you do?’” They are just utterly resigned to everything, no will at all to fight!


Gideon: “That is an accurate assessment. It is disappointing that so many know something is wrong, yet do nothing.”


Bill: Is there any hope at all of stopping this?


Gideon: “There is always hope. If every person simply stopped paying taxes, that would go along way. If everyone simply stopped doing certain things, stopped complying, the cabal’s grip of control would break down.


We do see some positive things, we see there is more awareness than ever before, but the will to materially resist is not there.


Most people still pay their taxes, and they are even afraid not to. So, they choose to continue to feed the Beast with their own money. They cannot even take that step, even though doing so would not result in criminal action against them.”


Bill: That’s a good point. Well, it depends on where you live, but generally, you can just stop paying taxes and they won’t arrest you. People think they’ll get arrested or something, it’s nonsense. You won’t get arrested in Australia, America, Canada or Europe, but people comply anyway. It’s crazy how the government just controls everyone with fear.


Gideon: “In some places, you are forced to pay or it is taken out of your paycheck, but you can still resist in other ways, and people do not. In the U.S., it would be easy for everyone to resist and stop paying income taxes, but there is virtually no will or movement to do so.


People dutifully submit their donation to their Satanic government without question, even though income taxes are not legal or lawful there to begin with. Then they go to church on Sunday and actually believe they are spiritual in some way, or God-fearing, or good Christians.”


Bill: The world is upside down, it really is. Let’s get on to the food issue. We know they are planning to put poisons in the food, specifically this nano tech, and Sovereigns will be exempted. What’s an update on that?


Gideon: “The plan is in place now. The public is already being inoculated and prepared for it, with these ‘mRNA vaccines’ in the food stories, which are nonsense.”


Bill: Right, you’ve said before the mRNA tech is not what people think it is, and I think you’re right about that.


Gideon: “It is not even real, not in the way they describe it. RNA exists, but it is not utilized how they say. It was not used in the vaccines as they claim. It is not a technology that really works or has any benefit whatsoever to human health. It appears to be a program to cloak other technology, nano technology. So, the public thinks mRNA is real and somehow a good thing, but it is not real in the sense it is described.”


Bill: What do you think they will put in the food?


Gideon: “One of my sources has said it is for behaviour modification. It will be some kind of nano tech. Consuming it is the last thing you would want to do, so if you can source food locally, from local farms, you should do so. Support organic farmers, as well, and start your own garden, and raise chickens. These would be good steps, but, of course, the cabal will eventually try to outlaw that.”


Bill: They’re already trying to clamp down on gardens and chickens. It’s absolutely crazy. Yet, again, it’s just the same old shrug from everyone, ‘They’re going to ban gardens… oh well.” People are so programmed and weak.


Gideon: “They are. The cabal could not do any of this if it were not for people’s compliance. It is a symbiotic relationship, not so much a top-down totalitarian control structure, not yet, anyway. It is a relationship where the people go along with the insanity, such as Covid. They are not even being forced, in most cases. The government says, ‘Do this,’ and they simply do it.”


Bill: Ok, I wanted to talk about our rescue program we put together. Can you give an overview of its objective?


Gideon: “Yes, the rescue plan is a way for us to keep utilizing the whistle blowers. They wanted to keep helping, even though we stopped changing statuses to Sovereign.


There are some interesting exemptions in CSRQ, whereby a Sovereign can ‘exempt’ or protect a Common class person. This is not surprising at all that such a thing would exist. You are going to have Sovereigns with a large entourage of people around them they want to protect, from friends, family members, maybe their lawyer or accountant, maybe even a housekeeper.


So, there are essentially check boxes in CSRQ that the whistle blowers can click to make that possible for Common class people. It is also relatively low-risk for the whistle blowers to perform that action. We want to do that for people and help them in that way.”


Bill: What about Restricted or Quarantined classes?


Gideon: “There is no option for them, unfortunately. We are looking at other ways to help them, if we can.”


Bill: So, if a Common person is exempted by a Sovereign, what happens?


Gideon: “They are exempted from forced vaccination, and they can receive USDR transfers. These two things are tremendously beneficial, if you are Common class.”


Bill: Well, I know I’m going to donate and we have others on our team who will, so we’ll have the whistle blowers send some of our USDR to their accounts.


Gideon: “That is our hope and expectation. By having more people who have these exemptions, and who can receive USDR donations, we are still building our team, even if we are ceasing Sovereign status changes.”


Bill: What about threats or escalation? Do you have anything to report on that?


Gideon: “Yes. I continue to receive back-door comms from a source of mine. That source says they are close to a cabal member who is very high-level and who is using them to speak to me. They continue to make threats. But I have concluded there is another purpose for it.”


Bill: What is that?


Gideon: “They want a door of communication open after CSRQ comes online, one with me. I do not know what they plan to say to me, it may just be more threats, but I have a feeling it will involve negotiations, too.”


Bill: Is that good?


Gideon: “Well, to me, it means they do not really have the leverage they wish they had to stop us. They cannot find who we changed to Sovereign status in CSRQ. We used too many obfuscation techniques. So, they are left with escalation, threats. They can shut us down, too, but right now it seems since we stopped changing people to Sovereign, they are not going to escalate right now.”


Bill: What about this rescue plan?


Gideon: “They are aware we are doing it. I think it would depend on the extent we do it. If we help a handful of Common class people, they will not escalate. It if it dozens, or even a hundred or so, we could see escalation.”


Bill: Ok, thanks for that update. What about RFK Jr. running for President of the U.S. We know he’s not Sovereign status. What do you think about him?


Gideon: “He is not compromised, which is something I can confirm, for a fact. But he is surrounded by extremely dangerous people, and he will not be allowed to have any major impact on any future election, if one even takes place in 2024. There are already things being done to ensure his platform and message does not reach a wider audience.”


Bill: Some people say he’s a Democrat, so he’s bad, or he’s wrong about this or that. What do you think?


Gideon: “He is wrong about many things, Bill. A person can be wrong about things but still not be aligned with the cabal.”


Bill: Right, of course. I wanted to ask some more about A.I., too, do you have anything new to report on that?


Gideon: “The A.I. developments are essentially key for the so-called Metaverse the cabal wants to create, whereby people are basically ‘hooked-up’ to it. This is more down the line, five or ten years away, and ultimately in the year 2030 the cabal has a plan for a total transition of humanity. It is a complex topic itself, something I have touched on.”


Bill: I think A.I. is going to be able to simulate reality in a way that’s never been done before, so people are going to get immersed in it.


Gideon: “That will happen. People are already well-adapted to involve themselves with video games. A.I. will take the realism to new levels, beyond anything you can even comprehend. You will be able to create anything you want and ‘live’ in that world you created, which will appear fully real. The cabal wants this, because demonic entities will then have full control and access to the person. The cabal is excited about the prospect of all of this.”


Bill: It’s horrifying. What about Elon Musk, speaking against it?


Gideon: “The cabal is always using trickery. They will need people like Musk to lead those who would resist. So, he is now positioning himself as a leader. So has Russell Brand. So are many others in this so-call truth movement. They are gatekeepers who will steer the resistance, steer them in a way that will inoculate them, or steer them so they are neutralized.”


Bill: So, you see someone telling the truth, but you can’t trust them? That seems to be what you’re saying.


Gideon: “That is correct, because they work for the cabal. Musk is already developing the X App, which will be fully integrated with CSRQ. He will support everything the cabal does, while speaking out against it publicly.”


Bill: It’s mind-blowing how much control the cabal has. You said they control the Earth now. It’s their domain, not God’s any more. That upset some people. Can you explain that again?


Gideon: “God is allowing all of this. God is still in control, but along the way, it will be a very difficult time for those who have faith. I think God is with us, always, if we ask Him to be there for us, if we pray. So He will help us during the worst of times, but He is also allowing the cabal to take over this planet.


You must remember, we each have a choice to reject all of this evil or accept it. We could all stop the cabal right now. God is allowing each person to have a choice, to accept the Covid lies, or CSRQ, or digital enslavement. Those choices will one day have grave consequences for that person, if they choose poorly.”


Bill: Ok, thank you for explaining that better. I know you have to go, can you offer everyone some parting words, maybe something hopeful?


Gideon: “Well, if there is any sign of hope, it is the fact more people are awake than ever before. Ever before. It can seem like that is not the case, since there are so many programmed sheep around us, but there are more of us than ever before and we should take some refuge and comfort in that, and continue to spread the truth as much as we can.


We also must stand strong in the face of the gaslighting of the cabal and its many minions. They are very forceful, in how they try to gaslight and denigrate those who seek the truth; so you should reject them with force and fury.


Demonic entities can be spotted, and those who are possessed, because they are very arrogant, very loud and very evil in their approach. They are only good at intimidating others, so you must respond with your own intimidation and stand up for the truth, and they will retreat.”


Bill: Thank you, very good advice, I like how you put all of that. I’ll let you go, have a good night and we’ll talk again soon.

Gideon: “We will. Good night, Bill.”

The post Intel Drop #31 – The End Game Is Coming Into View appeared first on TheWatchTowers.org.