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ACLU Complains Man Who Raped and Murdered Two People, Including a 14-Year-Old Girl, Didn’t Get Sex Change Before Execution

The American Civil Liberties Union faces mockery and scorn after complaining that a man who raped and murdered two people, including a 14-year-old girl, was not provided with a sex change operation before his execution in Florida.

Source: ACLU Complains Man Who Raped and Murdered Two People, Including a 14-Year-Old Girl, Didn’t Get Sex Change Before Execution | The Gateway Pundit | by Cassandra MacDonald | 70

Duane Owens was executed on Thursday for murdering a 14-year-old babysitter Karen Slattery, and Georgianna Worden, a 38-year-old mother of two, in two separate murders in 1984. Children were sleeping in both homes when he committed his heinous killings — and later raped his victim’s corpses.

CBS News reports, “Slattery was repeatedly stabbed and raped in a home in Delray Beach while two children in her care were sleeping. The children weren’t harmed during the attack.”

“Two months later, in May 1984, Worden was sleeping in her Boca Raton home when Owen struck her several times with a hammer and raped her, according to court records. One of Worden’s children found her body the next morning while getting ready for school, according to the record,” the report continued.

Owens attacked two other women before he was captured. They survived.

Lawyers attempting to stop the execution claimed that Owens had “gender dysphoria,” but psychiatrists for the state argued that he did not present himself as female.

The CBS report stated, “And while the defense had argued Owen had dementia and gender dysphoria, psychiatrists for the state said Owen had a good memory, didn’t appear to present himself as female and that gender dysphoria doesn’t make people more aggressive or cause delusional thinking. They said instead that Owen was sexually sadistic, according to court records.”

Still, following his execution, the ACLU complained that the sadistic rapist and killer did not get a sex change surgery while in prison.

“The state of Florida never provided medically necessary gender-affirming care to Duane Owen — causing her enormous suffering and violating her right to be free from cruel and unusual punishment for the more than 30 years she was in state custody,” the organization tweeted.

“In legal papers she drafted, Owen wrote that she “should be accorded the ‘essence of human dignity’ and be allowed to become ‘who she was meant to be’” before her death. No one should be killed by the state. The time to end the racist, unfair and cruel death penalty is now,” the ACLU wrote in a follow up tweet.

Naturally, the organization was brutally mocked for its bizarre priorities.

“You love pedophiles,” author Mike Cernovich replied.

“HE wanted to be housed in a women’s prison. Presumably because as a violent rapist he wanted to be around more potential victims in a captive space. Good thing we don’t do that in Florida.” Florida Governor Ron DeSantis’ spokeswoman Christina Pushaw replied.