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WATCH: Nobel Laureate and inventor of the PCR technique Kary Mullis thought the science behind the climate change narrative was utter “trash.”

REMINDER: Nobel Laureate and inventor of the PCR technique Kary Mullis thought the science behind the climate change narrative was utter “trash.” In the below series of clips taken from a talk given at Saddleback College in California in 2010, Mullis outlines some of the reasons he believed climate change (i.e. “global warming”) was completely bogus.

Describing it as a “Joke”. As he correctly points out, there is no scientific evidence whatever that our CO2 is, or can ever “drive” climate change. There is also no published empirical scientific evidence that any CO2, whether natural or man-made, causes warming in the troposphere. Mullis earned a Bachelor of Science (BS) degree in chemistry from the Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta in 1966, he then received a PhD in biochemistry from the University of California, Berkeley in 1973. His Nobel Prize was awarded in 1993.

“Global warming: This is one of those cool things where there is not a shred of evidence. And I’m not lying to you, I’ve been studying this for a long time, I’ve read a lot of books about it and I’ve read a lot of research papers,” Mullis tells the audience.

He goes on to say:

“There isn’t a shred of evidence that human beings have had any effect on this planet other than just billboards. I mean, we put up a lot of billboards and buildings and such, but we haven’t affected the climate. And the CO2 has such a tiny effect, even the CO2 that’s there, the bulk of which isn’t our problem, it’s just ’cause it’s always there…”

WATCH Full video here and in sections with transcripts below:



“In my opinion climate is something that didn’t start in 1900… If you want to know about climate and climate change, then you need to know things like when was the Eocene and what was the weather like?” Mullis says.

The Nobel Laureate highlights the fact that scientists are still unsure what is responsible for the climate and temperature shifts that happen between different geological epochs.

Mullis says:

“The Eocene was like 40 million years ago and the planet was pretty much trees… from pole to pole, it was a fairly temperate time, and the CO2 levels—we know this from proxy measurements and stuff, but they were pretty decent measurements—were 2,700 parts per million. They’re now 340, which is a little higher than 270, which is what they were historically before we started supposedly polluting the atmosphere. But there’s a big difference between 340 and 2,700… And nobody understands how that moved from the Eocene to Miocene to the Pliocene to the Pleistocene; all those names that you’ve maybe heard about refer to long periods in geological history where we have evidence that there was this and then there was that… we don’t have any evidence, we don’t have any real ideas, how did it change? Why did the Eocene go away? Why was it replaced by the Miocene?”


Mullis highlighted how little impact humanity has on the planet’s atmosphere and temperature:

“The nature of the beast is that [the planet’s climate] undergoes… fairly catastrophic changes from time to time, sometimes they’re quite uncomfortable for people and species go extinct and others become, like we did during what we call the Holocene, or the last couple million years, we became quite successful as a species because the climate was changing rapidly. And we were able to adapt to it. That’s the natural state of things here. And it isn’t because of us that it happened, it’s because that it happened that we’re here. And it’s really silly for people to walk around saying ‘Save the Earth from us.’ We’re like the moss that grows on the rocks here. We’re not a very big part of it. We really aren’t. We’ve overblown our presence here. And that is a foolish paradigm that we have allowed to sort of permeate a whole field. And all the real climatologists have been replaced by these guys who write global circulation models…”


“Climatology has become kind of a joke [and] the people that are real climatologists do think about things like all the global epochs that the Earth has gone through and our way of looking at it,” Mullis adds in his talk. “But the guys that are getting the headlines and stuff that are meeting in Copenhagen and everyone’s gotta stop cooking over Sterno stoves or whatever, I mean, those people don’t know nothing. They really don’t. And if you read it, it’s boring. [And] it’s clearly not made for you to understand.”

Mullis notes:

“Then they [the modelers] talk to people like Al Gore and they say ‘Hey Al, here’s a great way for you to make money now that you’re not the vice president. And they’re all doing it like it’s for the Earth. Save the Earth from people… And by the way, every species that is supposed to be here is, we don’t need any new ones and we don’t want to lose any old ones. Let’s just stop evolution. Let’s just quit it. Because it was a bad idea… It was a really bad idea that things should go extinct… That’s a paradigm. It’s almost a paradigm that things should not go extinct. And if they do, it’s our fault. It’s something we did. And it’s really not that hard for people with a little imagination and some terrible guilt—I don’t know where that came from, except maybe it’s because of the decline of… a lot of people’s religious faith… and they have a sort of feeling that they’re bad. Or something. I’m not sure what it is.”


“I know I’m not causing climate change,” Mullis says. “I mean, when I’m riding my bicycle I’m blowing off a little CO2 and there’s probably somebody with a satellite watching me… the IPCC is always checking you out. And they’re going to say, ‘You’re polluting!’ [But] I’m just breathing.”


In a TED talk, also from 2010, Mullis again clarified his position that climate change science is absolute garbage, with even more specific evidence to backup his claim.

“Those people don’t think… they [‘climate change’ scientists] don’t always tell you the truth. There is nothing in their contract, in fact, that makes it to their advantage always, to tell you the truth,”

Mullis notes:

“The people I’m talking about are people like, they say they’re a member of the committee called the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. And they have these big meetings where they try to figure out how are we going to continually prove that the planet is getting warmer when that’s actually contrary to most people’s sensations? I mean… the temperature’s been measured now pretty carefully for about 50, 60 years, longer than that, it’s been measured, but in really nice precise ways and records have been kept for 50 or 60 years and in fact, the temperature hasn’t really gone up.”


Mullis notes that while Earth’s temperature has gone up .7 degrees in the last century, only its nighttime temperature has increased—a phenomenon due to the “skyline effect.”

Mullis says:

“The temperature has been sort of inching up, it should have been. But not a lot… I mean, the temperature as measured, and you can find this on our wonderful internet, you just go and look for all of NASA’s records and all the weather bureau’s records, and you look at it yourself and you’ll see… the nighttime temperature measured on the surface of the planet has gone up a tiny little bit, so if you just average that with the daytime temperature it looks like it went up about .7 degrees in this century. But, in fact, it was just the nighttime, the daytime temperatures didn’t go up… And it should go up in the daytime too if it’s the greenhouse effect.”


Mullis calls the science supposedly underpinning the climate change narrative “trash.” The Nobel Laureate notes “Our theories about global warming are completely wrong. I mean… NASA people have been saying this for a long time. They say if you measure the temperature of the atmosphere, it isn’t going up. It’s not going up at all.” He adds “We’ve been doing it carefully now for 20 years from satellites and it isn’t going up.”

Mullis goes on to say:

“The whole business of the global warming trash, really, is that if there’s too much CO2 in the atmosphere, the heat that’s trying to escape won’t be able to get out. But the heat coming down from the Sun… that goes right through CO2. So you still get heated. But you don’t dissipate any. Well, these [scientists] measured all those things. I mean, you can talk about that stuff, and you can write these large reports, and you can get government money to do it, but [these guys] actually measured it… turns out that in the last ten years… that… the level of what they call ‘imbalance,’ has been way the hell over… like the amount of imbalance, meaning heat’s coming in and is not going out, that you would get from having double the CO2—which we’re not anywhere near that, by the way—but if we did in 2025 or something, have double the CO2 we had in 1900, they say it would increase the energy budget… in other words, one watt per square centimeter more would be coming in than going out. So the planet should get warmer. Well, they found out in this study—these two studies by two different teams—that five-and-a-half watts per square meter have been coming in—[in] 1998, 1999 [etc]—and the place didn’t get warmer. So the theory’s [bogus]. These papers should’ve been called ‘The end to the global warming fiasco.”

Watch both of Mullis’ talks, and read more about his thoughts on BS “climate change” science, here:



On a final note: This man created the PCR test and said the test should not be used for corona viruses.