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Despotic NY Governor Kathy Hochul wants to TAKE BACK the right to be able to isolate and quarantine anyone in ANY manner with NO evidence.

‘This Regulation Is Completely Tyrannical’

Despotic NY Governor Kathy Hochul wants to TAKE BACK the right to be able to isolate and quarantine anyone in ANY manner with NO evidence.

“When a branch of government, or somebody who’s in power takes a power that is not theirs … that is the definition of tyranny,”

, who struck down the original ‘Quarantine Camp’ regulation last summer told #CHDTV. Now, the NY governor is fighting to appeal the lawsuit with an upcoming hearing on Sep. 13.

When you talk about it, [people] say “Oh, the government would never do that.” … “My response is, ‘Oh, really? The government would never? Then why on earth have they fought me tooth and nail?’”

Every single New Yorker should be up in arms + demand that Gov. Hochul BACK OFF this appeal and SHOW UP in court in Rochester on Sep. 13 at 10am ET to support our efforts.