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India racing to contain deadly Nipah virus outbreak – Nipah virus (NiV) spreading in India. 75% Fatality Rate


Nipah can be spread human to human thru saliva and sexual contact. This may be the next Monkey Pox.

– Rectal shedding of viable virus was reported in animal models

– Also spread by contact with the body fluids of an infected person (such as nasal or respiratory droplets, urine, blood)

– Length of exposure and contact with body fluids were increasingly associated with risk of infection

– Currently no NiV vaccine is approved either for humans or animals

European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control An agency of the European Union – Factsheet on Nipah virus disease

Wuhan Lab Was Genetically Manipulating Deadly Nipah Virus

‘A forensic analysis shows that the Wuhan Insitute of Virology (WIV) was genetically manipulating the Nipah virus, a highly lethal pathogen, in violation of the Biological Weapons Convention, according to an expert who testified at a Senate subcommittee hearing on Aug. 3.

The finding was another piece of evidence showing that the controversial Wuhan lab was conducting gain-of-function research—experiments that ultimately resulted in the COVID-19 pandemic via a leak from the facility, according to Dr. Steven Quay, CEO of Atossa Therapeutics. Gain-of-function research involves enhancing the potency or transmissibility of a virus.

“This is the most dangerous research I have ever encountered,” he said in the written testimony.

The Nipah virus has a lethality of more than 60 percent, more than that of Ebola, although it’s less transmissible than the latter virus since it isn’t airborne, the expert said at the hearing. The Nipah virus is also about 60 times deadlier than COVID-19.‘


The written testimony..


The hearing..

Revisiting Gain of Function Research: What the Pandemic Taught Us and Where Do We Go From Here

Looks like it was just released in India, they are locking down cities at this very moment!

TRUE that there is an outbreak in Kerela (again).
India’s southern Kerala state has shut down schools and offices and declared containment zones in parts of the state amid the risk of an outbreak of Nipah virus following the death of two people from the rare and deadly brain-damaging viral disease.

More than 130 people have so far been tested for the virus in the wake of its fourth outbreak since 2018. At least 21 died in the 2018 outbreak.


Some trivia:

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the Nipah virus (NiV) was first discovered in 1999 following an epidemic of the disease in pigs and people in Malaysia and Singapore, resulting in nearly 300 human cases and more than 100 deaths.


The virus can be spread by fruit bats, pigs and through human-to-human contact (such as saliva or urine). The initial contamination from an animal to a person is known as a spillover event, and once a person is infected, human-to-human spread of NiV can occur.


So, this virus will become an STD, spread by sexual contact. Will HIV be replaced with NiV?