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The Debt Clock is pointing out that the US Money Supply is contracting for the first time since the Great Depression

It’s not a countdown to doom folks, it IS the doom – AC User ID: 80515079

BREAKING! | USDEBTCLOCK.ORG updated message on home page! Time to flip the “switch?”

The yellow arrows on the Debt Clock are pointing to the fact that the money supply is running backwards.

They are pointing out that the money supply is contracting.
That’s why they posted about Jesus and the money changers.


“…Over the past 153 years, there have only been five instances where M2 has declined by at least 2% on a year-over-year basis: the 1870s, 1893, 1921, 1931-1933, and 2023. In order, these instances resulted in a depression, panic, depression, Great Depression, and (insert your best guess here). In the previous four instances, it was an ominous sign for Wall Street.

As of July 2023, M2 money supply was 3.69% below the all-time high recorded in July 2022.  This marks the first time since the Great Depression that we’ve witnessed a meaningful decline in U.S. money supply…”

“The US economy is 100% kaput”

Treasury and Federal Reserve buildings covered in tarps. What’s going on here? 

Is this why:

  • They’re building bunkers.
  • They have a puppet instead of a real leader in Washington
  • They have fences around the capital
  • They don’t seem to care if anyone sees their crimes and greed right now.

Mat just said the quiet part out-loud:

He said if we are losing the dollar, I’m going down fighting

He also said, and I quote verbatim, “we don’t have a fucking budget”

Suggested reading:

The Great Taking
By: David Rogers Webb

FREE PDF DOWNLOAD The-Great-Taking–June-2023

From the prologue:

It is my hope that in making this unpleasantness explicit, and doing
so at this time when developments are becoming more apparent, that
awareness might spread, and that the worst might be averted. Perhaps
this Great Taking might not be allowed to happen if we each hold up
our end—even the investment bankers—and say forcefully: we will not
allow this. It is a construct. It is not real.
David Rogers Webb
Stockholm, Sweden
May 28, 2023

This is version 1.0 (June 21, 2023). To check for updated versions of
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