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Coronavirus Is Gender Biased? Affects 3 times more Men than Women Clinical Proof and Data!

Coronavirus Is Gender Biased? Affects 3 times more Men than Women Clinical Proof and Data!

As the world waits for the official Status of this Outbreak to be called what it really is in Reality, A Pandemic emerging under our eyes and noses, and entering throught the same sources, there is something besides its being “new” that is very Novel indeed.

The first true independent (not from china) Clinical Features Analysis and report from those who have actually died or been hospitalised from it, from the very prestigious Lancet Journal of Medicine shows some very interesting Info that is NOT being observed or reported.

Firstly forget the Meme it is the very sick and old who are mainly dying. Not statistically correct. The Median Age is late 40’s

Secondly it is very it seems partial to infecting placing in ICU a LOT more Men than women in all of its parameters, ie if comorbitity is present, age factors etc.


All patients
Male = 30 (73%)
Female = 11 (27%)

ICU Care
Male = 11 (85%)
Female = 2 (15%)

Male = 19 (68%)
Female = 9 (32%)

Any Cormorbidity (ie others underlying health conditions)

Male & Female = 13 (32%)

Of interest is the following on how the disease progresses

“The median duration from illness onset to dyspnoea was 8·0 days (IQR 5·0–13·0). The median time from onset of symptoms to first hospital admission was 7·0 days (4·0–8·0), to shortness of breath was 8·0 days (5·0–13·0), to ARDS was 9·0 days (8·0–14·0), to mechanical ventilation was 10·5 days (7·0–14·0), and to ICU admission was 10·5 days”

MORE @ SOURCE: https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736(20)30183-5/fulltext