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WATCH | Tucker: Extortion from China is the real threat | China currently holds 90% of all medical manufacturing of drugs and parts used for medical equipment.

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Tucker: Extortion from China is the real threat

China currently holds 90% of all medical manufacturing of drugs and parts used for medical equipment. Our dependency on China is actually really something to be concerned about.

The Globalist elites have created a very dangerous world for all of us with their open border plans and socialistic ideals the pandemic is a result of horrible past leadership with plans set in motion for socialistic programs in the US.

Trump has worked to end many of leftist “open border,” tactics and has called for businesses to bring manufacturing back home.

China is dangerous, democrats elites are deadly to this nation and all nations around the world. Because of international travel pandemics are going to happen. When the Spanish flu happened it killed millions of people and today we have even more exposure to the entire world’s populations, more than we’ve ever had before.