New Orleans is empty. A Prophet walks the street; commanding them to REPENT. | “Repent America Jesus Is Coming” – VIDEO
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New Orleans is empty. A Prophet walks the street; commanding them to REPENT.
Google owned YouTube published the YouTube Community Guidelines Enforcement report for the third quarter of 2018 yesterday. The report highlights that YouTube removed 7.8 million videos, 224 million comments, and 1.6 million channels in the quarter alone based on policy violations. The majority of videos and comments that were removed by YouTube were removed automatically. YouTube’s […]
A rash of bomb threats were sent via email on Thursday to dozens of businesses, public offices and schools across the United States and Canada demanding payment in cryptocurrency, but none of the threats immediately appeared credible, law enforcement officials said. Source: Bomb threats demanding bitcoin sent across U.S, Canada, none found credible – […]
UK and EU citizens, get your heads out of the Brexit shambles long enough to write a letter to your heads of state before its too late! Source: UN Migration Pact will flood Europe with 59 million migrants, MEP warns