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WATCH | ‘This is the new normal,’ until COVID-19 vaccine developed: Trudeau

How does one volunteer at the food bank when we are supposed to STAY HOME? Talk about the left hand doesn’t know what the right hand is doing!

This is the new normal,' until COVID-19 vaccine developed: Trudeau ...

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau tells Canadians that efforts to keep COVID-19 case numbers down will take “months of continued, determined effort.” He said “this is the new normal” until a vaccine is developed. Trudeau begins to speak at 13:35.

“I can’t believe a word coming from Dr Tam When was she at the beginning of this crisis? We knew what was happening in China, South Korea and then Italy. She did nothing! Instead people were returning from Holidays and bringing back the virus with them…”

“Interesting concepts in psychology for the new normal : learned helplessness, Stockholm syndrome, cognitive dissonance, operant conditioning, gaslighting, projection, blaming the victim, and future faking.”

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