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US Biowarfare Act Author: Vaccines, Corruption, – altCensored

(altCen Ed note: original removed – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lhrWVFkSWFY). In a time of great confusion where so many possible scenarios of what we are seeing take place regarding the coronavirus outbreak, the origins of the virus and the severity of the pandemic, one is reminded of the quote from former CIA Director William Casey…

“We’ll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false.” While at this point we certainly do not claim to have all of the answers, we are working hard to provide alternative perspectives from top qualified experts and encourage the viewer to consider more than one possibility while having an open mind and draw your own conclusions. In this interview Spiro is joined by the author of the US Biowarfare Act Professor Francis Boyle to discuss the latest developments regarding the Coronavirus outbreak, the source of the virus and the corrupt interests involved. Professor Boyle also outlines two reports which he claims confirm his position on the origins of the virus. One, from a Nobel Peace Prize winning scientist in France. The second, a leaked memo from the 5 Eyes intelligence alliance. (Published on May 18, 2020)

Source: US Biowarfare Act Author: Vaccines, Corruption, – altCensored