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WATCH | Social Media CENSORING Hunter Biden Article!

Facebook, Twitter censor tabloid's Biden article - Asia Times

“Censorship is Right-Wing”? I beg to differ. Fact: Censorship is both Far Left-Wing and Far Right-Wing. In fact looking back at the past 100 years censorship has been more Left-Wing. Both Communism and Socialism is Left-Wing. Censorship from Left-Wing regimes in the past 100 years from; Mao, Stalin, Lenin, Tito, Castro, Chavez, Pol Pot ect… Even the guy from Germany with the funny mustache rose to power through a Socialist Party. Once in power many elements of Socialism remained. State run business’s being #1. Jimmy has it wrong here. Not to mention present day Facebook, Twitter, Google, Youtube and others who censor people are mostly owned and run by the Left.