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Is President Trump REALLY at Walter Reed Hospital?

Is President Trump REALLY at Walter Reed Hospital?
Same clothes and mask during 7/11 visit to that hosp.
Remember the big ordeal when President Trump wore a mask for the first time in public while visiting injured vets at Walter Reed? Perhaps it was a photo op for his Covid visit. He sure didn’t look sick to me. I stumbled on information that a new Defense Intelligence Agency Director was sworn in October 1st. He was approved by Senate in July. Is this October surprise/ Red October referenced by Q?

Before departing for Walter Reed, Trump told reporters on the White House South Lawn that he would “probably have a mask” while visiting the hospital.

Source: Trump wears coronavirus mask during public visit to Walter Reed military hospital


ODNI News Release No. 38-20

Oct. 1, 2020

DNI Ratcliffe Welcomes Lt. Gen. Berrier as DIA Director

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe today issued the following statement:

“On behalf of ODNI and the Intelligence Community, I welcome Army Lt. Gen. Scott Berrier as the 22nd Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency. Lt. Gen. Berrier brings a distinguished military background and decades of intelligence experience to the IC. With a focus on delivering intelligence on foreign militaries, DIA plays a crucial role in advancing U.S. theater and national security missions. DIA will continue to excel under Lt. Gen. Berrier’s leadership, and I look forward to working closely with him.

“I also express my deepest gratitude to retiring Director Army Lt. Gen. Robert P. Ashley Jr. He served our nation with honor, bravery and distinction for nearly 40 years, and I wish him the very best in his well-deserved retirement.”

Ratcliffe welcomed Berrier and congratulated Ashley during a change of command ceremony at DIA headquarters this afternoon.


Published in Press Releases 2020

Source: DNI Ratcliffe Welcomes Lt. Gen. Berrier as DIA Director