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Slovakian government now force-testing entire population for covid every 7 days!

You know where Slovakia is? No? Probably that´s the reason our government dared to turn this country into a nazi-like experimentation camp as part of their anti-covid effort. They probably think no one will notice or care, that it will never catch the attention of world media enough due to the insignificance of the country.

But let me put them, at least here, into the limelight!

From tomorrow on, you have to undergo a government sponsored mandatory covid test in this country once a week, or else:

1. You are not allowed to work
2. Not allowed to visit your local bank branch
3. Not allowed to go to your local post office
4. Not allowed to use the public transport
5. Not allowed to enter a government building
6. Not allowed to enter a shopping center, or any service center managed by a private entity.

The only thing you are allowed without a covid test is to go to the grocery store nearest to your place of residence, preferably on foot!

No, this is not a sick joke, this will be reality from tomorrow in Slovakia!

They introduced a concept called “covid automat” which will regulate into the future the frequency of mandatory covid tests you have to undergo, or else you have to quarantine yourself for months, until covid disappears from the country!

[link to korona.gov.sk (secure)]

The current frequency is every 7 days, later it might be every 14 days if covid eases, then every 21 days…

Testing is carried out by rapid antigen tests that are not reliable enough to detect every covid case at all. They are not suitable to extinguish the fire, only for keeping it at bay. This will give the opportunity to the government to test the population regularly for months, probably until covid gets “extinguished” by the drought of the summer heat.

And the most disgusting thing about this all is that the tens of millions of rapid antigen tests needed will be provided by a company that is owned by people close to the prime minister, Igor Matovic. He deprived an entire population of its basic humans rights for the sole reason so that he can get filthy rich!