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TinfoilHatMan: It’s not Ukraine. IT’S US!

“Consider all the facts: Biden telling us to prepare to hurt at home in response to sanctions imposed from Russian aggression. Counter responses from Russia to halt oil to United States, wheat and now fertilizer.

Russia and China are now more or less allies. Who owns more farm land in the United States than anyone else on earth? Gates @ 242,000ac. China is right behind him at 190,000ac.

China owns Hormell. China owns Smithfield.

What happens to America when the following occur at the same time?

— Russia cuts off sizable oil supplies the US DEPENDS ON
— Russia stops ALL fertilizer shipments to the us (84% of our supply comes from Russia)
–Russia halts ALL wheat shipments to United States (29% of ALL US Wheat – 17% from Russia, 12% from Ukraine)
–China controls a portion of our pork processing
–China owns former American owned food producer Hormell

Add to that… What is Russia going to do with all of their oil they’re not selling to us anymore? They can’t sell it to China because China has banned Russian imports. Oh you didnt see the news? Seven days ago China ‘eased’ restrictions on Russian oil imports. It’s goes to China. PERMANENTLY.

What is Russia going to do with all that fertilizer we’re not buying? China.

What will we do when a sizable percentage of our farms are owned by the enemy and they dont want to share any produce with us?

We starve.

People aren’t seeing the bigger picture here. It’s US who is being attacked and it’s from all angles and no one is seeing it! Fuck Ukraine. This isn’t about them. they’re the catalyst. WE ARE THE TARGET.

We’re going to be cold, hungry and without power before we know it.

Look at the pieces. It all makes sense. We’re the fucking target and our government is in on it.”


“Do people understand the ramifications of commercial farms effectively halting the use of fertilizer? That combined with skyrocketing fuel prices and people will not be able to survive.

This is a death blow for a nation. If we had leadership who had our best interests in mind, MAYBE we could use the massive influence of this nation and it’s resources to rapidly correct the issue domestically and start making what we cannot buy globally, but they DONT.

They’re in on it and this will end our nation if it’s not corrected.

I haven’t really been concerned up until this revelation. They’re attacking us. Verizon is having major outages on the east coast. Has the cyber portion already started?

Putin said it clearly in his address to the UN a few weeks ago: “The USSR fell because they became complacent and stumbled very briefly.”

This isnt a stumble, we’re being pushed to the ground by our own leaders.

I haven’t been on my soapbox much. I know preps are good to have and I too am in good shape, I just didnt think anything was immanent. I do now.

Finalize your preps. think woodstove, solar, fire starters, long term foods, seeds, chainsaws, 2cycle oil… what ever you need to survive a year to get your own food supply started. It may get that bad.”