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Ā Angie’s List Sides Against Christians in Indiana
Angie’s List, the online service that provides consumer reviews of service professionals, publicly endorsed anti-Christian bigotry by opposing an Indiana law designed to protect religious liberties and freedoms.
Last week, Indiana Governor Mike Pence signed the Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA) after the state legislature overwhelmingly supported it. Twenty states now have passed the law, with Arkansas and Georgia currently considering it.
The Indiana law is identical in all fundamental respects to the 1993 federal RFRA signed into law by President Bill Clinton after it passed the U.S. House unanimously and the Senate 97-3.
Unfortunately, Angie’s List has joined with thousands of homosexual activists (including lesbian Ellen DeGeneres) in opposing religious freedom for all people in Indiana.
In response Angie’s List CEO Bill Oesterle announced the company is immediately putting plans “on hold” for a $40 million expansion of its headquarters in Indianapolis.
Angie’s List implies support for the concept that Christian business owners should be prosecuted by law if they donāt violate their deeply and sincerely held religious beliefs by bowing to homosexual activist demands, as is already happening in states without RFRA:
- Washington: Florist Barronell Stutzman fined by the state for not providing flowers for a “gay” wedding. Now her home and personal savings are at risk.
- New Mexico: Photographer Elaine Huguenin was ordered by the state to give a lesbian $7,000 for declining to take pictures of a lesbian wedding.
- Oregon: Aaron and Melissa Klein were fined $150,000 by the state for refusal to bake a cake for a lesbian wedding based on religious objections.
- Kentucky: Blaine Adamson was ordered by the city of Lexington to undergo ‘sensitivity training” for refusing to print T-shirts for a gay pride festival.
Angie’s List is a bully, plain and simple. They have chosen to bully the city of Indianapolis, the state of Indiana and Christians everywhere by financial intimidation and threats.
If you have an account with Angie’s List, we urge you to cancel it right away in defense of religious liberty in America.Be sure to let them know why youāre leaving.
Even if you don’t have an account, send an email to Angie’s List CEO Bill Oesterle. Let him know that his company’s support for religious discrimination is an affront to Christians.
Additional resource – Read this article from the National Review!
Want Evidence of Hysterical Anti-Christian Bigotry? Look No Further than #BoycottIndiana
(Unless otherwise noted, the opinions expressed are the authorās and do not necessarily reflect the views of the American Family Association or American Family Radio.)