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Nikola Tesla UFO Patent Confiscated by NSA, Most UFOs Tesla Powered

More Evidence Revealing The Secret Space Program

(Humans Are Free) Nikola Tesla, inventor of alternating current motors, did the basic research for constructing electromagnetic field lift-and-drive aircraft/space craft. From 1891 to 1893, he gave a set of lectures and demonstrations to groups of electrical engineers.

As part of each show, Tesla stood in the middle of the stage, using his 6′ 6″ height, with an assistant on either side, each 7 feet away. All 3 men wore thick cork or rubber shoe soles to avoid being electrically grounded. Each assistant held a wire, part of a high voltage, low current circuit.

When Tesla raised his arms to each side, violet colored electricity jumped harmlessly across the gaps between the men. At high voltage and frequency in this arrangement, electricity flows over a surface, even the skin, rather than into it. This is a basic circuit which could be used by aircraft / spacecraft.

The hull is best made double, of thin, machinable, slightly flexible ceramic. This becomes a good electrical insulator, has no fire danger, resists any damaging effects of severe heat and cold, and has the hardness of armor, besides being easy for magnetic fields to pass through.

The inner hull is covered on it’s outside by wedge shaped thin metal sheets of copper or aluminum, bonded to the ceramic. Each sheet is 3 to 4 feet wide at the horizontal rim of the hull and tapers to a few inches wide at the top of the hull for the top set of metal sheets, or at the bottom for the bottom set of sheets.Each sheet is separated on either side from the next sheet by 1 or 2 inches of uncovered ceramic hull. The top set of sheets and bottom set of sheets are separated by about 6 inches of uncovered ceramic hull around the horizontal rim of the hull.

The outer hull protects these sheets from being short-circuited by wind blown metal foil (Air Force radar confusing chaff), heavy rain or concentrations of gasoline or kerosene fumes.

If unshielded, fuel fumes could be electrostatically attracted to the hull sheets, burn and form carbon deposits across the insulating gaps between the sheets, causing a short-circuit.

In space, the outer hull with a slight negative charge, would absorb hits from micro-meteorites and cosmic rays (protons moving at near the speed of light).

Any danger of this type that doesn’t already have a negative electric charge would get a negative charge in hitting the outer hull, and be repelled by the metal sheets before it could hit the inner hull.

This wouldn’t work well on a very big meteor, I might add. The hull can be made in a variety of shapes; sphere, football, disc, or streamlined rectangle or triangle, as long as these metal sheets, “are of considerable area and arranged along ideal enveloping surfaces of very large radii of curvature,” p. 85. My Inventions, by Nikola Tesla.

The power plant for this machine can be a nuclear fission or fusion reactor [or any number of power generating devices]for long range and long-term use to run a steam engine which turns the generators.

A short range machine can use a hydrogen-oxygen fuel cell to run a low-voltage motor to turn the generators, occasionally recharging by hovering next to high voltage power lines and using antennas mounted on the outer hull to take in the electricity.

The short-range machine can also have electricity beamed to it from a generating plant on a long-range aircraft / spacecraft or on the ground.

(St. Louis Post-Dispatch, Nov. 24, 1987, Vol 109, No. 328, The Forever Plane by Geoffrey Rowan, p.D1, D7.) (Popular Science, Vol 232, No. 1, Jan. 1988, Secret of Perpetual Flight? Beam Power Plane, by Arthur Fisher, p. 62-65, 106)

One standard for the generators is to have the same number of magnets as field coils. Tesla’s preferred design was a thin disc holding 480 magnets with 480 field coils wired in series surrounding it in close tolerance. At 50 revolutions per minute, it produces 19,400 cycles per second.

The electricity is fed into a number of large capacitors, one for each metal sheet. An automatic switch, adjustable in timing by the pilot, closes, and as the electricity jumps across the switch, back and forth, it raises it’s own frequency; a switch being used for each capacitor.

The electricity goes into a Tesla transformer; again, one transformer for each capacitor.

In an oil tank to insulate the windings and for cooling, and supported internally by wood, or plastic, pipe and fittings, each Tesla transformer looks like a short wider pipe that is moved along a longer, narrower pipe by an insulated non-electric cable handle.

The short pipe, the primary, is 6 to 10 windings (loops) of wire connected in series to the long pipe. The secondary is 460 to 600 windings, at the low voltage and frequency end.

The insulated non-electric cable handle is used through a set of automatic controls to move the primary coil to various places on the secondary coil. This is the frequency control.

The secondary coil has a low frequency and voltage end and a maximum voltage and frequency end. The greater the frequency the electricity, the more it pushes against the earth’s electrostatic and electromagnetic fields.

The electricity comes out of the transformer at the high voltage end and goes by wire through the ceramic hull to the wide end of the metal sheet. The electricity jumps out on and flows over the metal sheet, giving off a very strong electromagnetic field, controlled by the transformer.

At the narrow end of the metal sheet, most of the high-voltage push having been given off, the electricity goes back by wire through the hull to a circuit breaker box (emergency shut off), then to the other side of the generators.

In bright sunlight, the aircraft / spacecraft may seem surrounded by hot air, a slight magnetic distortion of the light.

In semi-darkness and night, the metal sheets glow, even through the thin ceramic outer hull, with different colors. The visible light is a by-product of the electricity flowing over the metal sheets, according to the frequencies used.

Descending, landing or just starting to lift from the ground, the transformer primaries are near the secondary weak ends and therefore, the bottom set of sheets glow a misty red. Red may also appear at the front of the machine when it is moving forward fast, lessening resistance up front. Orange appears for slow speed.

Orange-yellow are for airplane-type speeds. Green and blue are for higher speeds. With a capacitor addition, making it oversized for the circuit, the blue becomes bright white, like a searchlight, with possible risk of damaging the metal sheets involved.

The highest visible frequency is violet, like Tesla’s stage demonstrations, used for the highest speed along with the bright white. The colors are nearly coherent, of a single frequency, like a laser.

A machine built with a set of super conducting magnets would simplify and reduce electricity needs from a vehicle’s transformer circuits to the point of flying along efficiently and hovering with little electricity.

When Tesla was developing arc lights to run on alternating current, there was a bothersome high-pitched whine, whistle, or buzz, due to the electrodes rapidly heating and cooling.

Tesla put this noise in the ultrasonic range with the special transformer already mentioned. The aircraft / spacecraft gives off such noises when working at low frequencies.

Timing is important in the operation of this machine. For every 3 metal sheets, when the middle one is briefly turned off, the sheet on either side is energized, giving off the magnetic field. The next instant, the middle sheet is energized, while the sheet on either side is briefly turned off.There is a time delay in the capacitors recharging themselves, so at any time, half of all the metal sheets are energized and the other half are recharging, alternating all around the inner hull. This balances the machine, giving it very good stability. This balance is less when fewer of the circuits are in use.Fairly close, the aircraft / spacecraft produces heating of persons and objects on the ground; but by hovering over an area at low altitude for maybe 5 or 10 minutes, the machine also produces a column of very cold air down to the ground.

As air molecules get into the strong magnetic fields that the machine is transmitting out, the air molecules become polarized and from lines, or strings, of air molecules. The normal movement of the air is stopped, and there is suddenly a lot more room for air molecules in this area, so more air pours in. This expansion and the lack of normal air motion make the area intensely cold.

This is also the reason that the aircraft / spacecraft can fly at supersonic speeds without making sonic booms.

As air flows over the hull, top and bottom, the air molecules form lines as they go through the magnetic fields of the metal sheet circuits. As the air molecules are left behind, they keep their line arrangements for a short time, long enough to cancel out the sonic boom shock waves.

Outside the earth’s magnetic field, another propulsion system must be used, which relies on the first. You may have read of particle accelerators, or cyclotrons, or atom smashers. A particle accelerator is a circular loop of pipe that, in cross-section, is oval.

In a physics laboratory, most of the air in it is pumped out. The pipe loop is given a static electric charge, a small amount of hydrogen or other gas is given the same electric charge so the particles won’t stick to the pipe.

A set of electromagnets all around the pipe loop turn on and off, one after the other, pushing with one magnetic pole and pulling with the next, until those gas particles are racing around the pipe loop at nearly the speed of light.

Centrifugal force makes the particles speed closer to the outside edge of the pipe loop, still within the pipe. The particles break down into electrons, or light and other wavelengths, protons or cosmic rays, and neutrons if more than hydrogen is put in the accelerator.

At least 2 particle accelerators are used to balance each other and counter each other’s tendency to make the craft spin. Otherwise, the machine would tend to want to start spinning, following the direction of the force being applied to the particles. The accelerators push in opposite directions.

As the pilot and crew travel in space, outside the magnetic field of a world, water from a tank is electrically separated into oxygen and hydrogen. Waste carbon dioxide that isn’t used for the onboard garden, and hydrogen (helium if the machine is using a fusion reactor) is slowly, constantly fed into the inside curves of both accelerators.

The high speed particles go out through straight lengths of pipe, charged like the loops and in speeding out into space, push the machine along. Doors control which pips the particles leave from. This allows very long range acceleration and later deceleration at normal (earth) gravity.

This avoids the severe problems of weightlessness, including lowered physical abilities of the crew.
It is possible to use straight-line particle accelerators, even as few as one per machine, but these don’t seem as able to get the best machine speed for the least amount of particles pushed out.

Using a constant acceleration of 32.2 feet per second per second provides earth normal gravity in deep space and only 2 gravities of stress in leaving the earth’s gravity field.

It takes, not counting air resistance, 18 minutes, 58.9521636 seconds to reach the 25,000 miles per hour speed to leave the earth’s gravity field. It takes about 354 days, 12 hours, 53 minutes and 40 seconds (about) to reach the speed of light – 672,487,072.7 miles per hour.

It takes the same distance to decelerate as it does to speed up, but this cuts down the time delay that one would have in conventional chemical rocketry enormously, for a long journey.

A set of superconducting magnets can be charged by metal sheet circuits, within limits, to whatever frequency is needed and will continue to transmit that magnetic field frequency almost indefinitely.

A shortwave radio can be used to find the exact frequencies that an aircraft / spacecraft is using, for each of the colors it may show whole a color television can show the same overall color frequency that the nearby, but not extremely close, craft is using.

This is limited, as a machine traveling at the speed of a jet airliner may broadcast in a frequency range usually used for radar sets.

The craft circuits override lower frequency, lower voltage electric circuits within and near their electromagnetic fields. One source briefly mentioned a 1941 incident, where a shortwave radio was used to override automobile ignition systems, up to 3 miles away.

When the shortwave radio was turned off, the cars could work again. How many UFO encounters have been reported in which automobile ignition systems have suddenly stopped?

I figure that things would not be at all pleasant for drivers of modern cars with computer controlled engine and ignition systems. Computer circuitry is sensitive to small changes in voltage and a temporary wrong-way voltage surge may wipe the computer memory out.

It could mean that a number of drivers would suddenly be stranded with their cars not working should such a craft fly low over a busy highway. Only diesel engines, already warmed up, and Stanley Steamer type steam engine cares are able to continue working in a strong electromagnetic field.

In May, 1988, it was reported that the U.S. Army had lost 5 Blackhawk helicopters and 22 crewmen in crashes caused by ordinary commercial radio broadcasting overriding the computer control circuits of those helicopters.

Certainly, computer circuits for for this aircraft / spacecraft can and must be designed to overcome this weakness.

One construction arrangement for this craft to avoid such interference is for the metal sheet circuits to be more sharply tuned. Quartz or other crystals can be used in capacitors; in a very large number of low-powered, single frequency circuits, or as part of a frequency control for the metal sheet circuits.The aircraft / spacecraft easily overrides lower frequency and lower voltage electric circuits up to a 6 mile wide circle around it, but the effect is usually not tuned for such a drastic show.It can be used for fire fighting: by hovering at a medium-low height at low frequency, it forms a double negative pole magnet of itself and the ground, the sides being a rotation of positive magnetic pole.

It polarizes the column of air in this field. The air becomes icy cold. If it wouldn’t put the fire out, it would slow it down.

Tesla went broke in the early 1900’s building a combination radio and electric power broadcasting station. The theory and experiments were correct but the financiers didn’t want peace and prosperity for all.

The Japanese physicist who developed superconducting material with strong magnetism allows for a simplified construction of the aircraft / spacecraft. Blocks of this material can be used in place of the inner hull metal sheets.

By putting electricity in each block, the pilot can control the strength of the magnetic field it gives off and can reduce the field strength by draining some of the electric charge. This allows the same amount of work to be done with vastly less electricity used to do it.

It is surprising that Jonathan Swift, in his Gulliver’s Travels, 1726, third book, “A Voyage to Laputa“, described an imagined magnetic flying island that comes close to being what a large superconducting aircraft / spacecraft can be build as, using little or no electric power to hover and mover around.

— Excerpt from Nikola Tesla: Man Ahead of His Time (or How To Build a UFO) by Bill Jones

Most UFOs are Tesla’s Flying Saucers

by Christian Soderberg, Henry Makow – via Nexus Illuminati 

Werner von Braun was in Los Alamos, New Mexico around 1937 testing Tesla’s “saucer” technology which then developed into a “wonder weapon” program of Nazi Germany.The Daily Mail recently reported about “flying saucer” projects in Nazi Germany and Hitler’s plans to use these “wonder weapons” to attack England and USA.The article talks only about jet-propulsion “saucers”, but the Germans were also building real ‘anti-gravity’ saucers based on inventions of Nikola Tesla (1856-1943).

UFOs or “flying saucers” are man-made, not “alien space ships”.

Following the wave of “UFO” sightings in early 1950s, Professor Giuseppe Belluzzo (1875-1952), a scientist-engineer and a former Italian cabinet minister, who apparently personally worked in one of these German-Italian “flying saucer” projects in the 1940s, was quoted in Italian and American newspapers saying:

“There is nothing supernatural or Martian about flying discs, but they are simply rational application of recent technique. ..some great power is now launching discs to study them.”

You can read more about Professor Belluzzo’s saucer project here and here.

Nikola Tesla’s “flying stove”

’…You should not be at all surprised, if some day you see me fly from New York to Colorado Springs in a contrivance which will resemble a gas stove and weigh as much… and could, if necessary enter and depart through a window.’

Thus Nikola Tesla wrote to a Westinghouse Electric Company manager in 1912.

In some books about Tesla and his inventions, this description of his “box like” flying machine is told to be about his helicopter-like ‘flivver’.

Actually Tesla’s “flying stove” used an electro-propulsion system, which was to be powered by external power stations and Tesla’s ‘wireless transmission of energy-system’ or with a power generator inside the craft.

In a 1911 article from The Sun Tesla describes his flying machine:

“Dr. Nikola Tesla leaned back against his chair at the Waldorf last night and talked calmly of airships without planes, propellers or any of the other gear of the now familiar aeroplanes hurtling through space at tremendous speeds or driving more slowly carrying great loads, and in either case always as safely as the most prosaic of wheeled vehicles.”

“…How about aerial navigation?” Dr. Tesla was asked.

He considered for a moment or two and then replied with great deliberation:

“The application of this principle will give the world a flying machine unlike anything that has ever been suggested before. It will have no planes, no screw propellers or devices of any kind hitherto used.

“It will be small and compact, excessively swift, and, above all, perfectly safe in the greatest storm. It can be built of any size and can carry any weight that may be desired” – The Sun, New York – ‘Tesla Promises Big Things’

In a 1911 New York Herald article Tesla specifically explains that his flying machine is not a conventional airplane, nor a ‘lighter-than-air’- airship ( a Zeppelin-type).

He also tells us that his flying machine is not affected by winds or “holes in the air”, and that it can be held “…absolutely stationary in the air, even in a wind, for great length of time.” starting from section: Ten Horse Power to the Pound

Anyone familiar with the operation principles of the so called “conventional airplane” understands that Nikola Tesla’s flying machine described in these 1911 quotes has to be an ‘anti-gravity’ craft, so a real “flying saucer”.

According to William Lyne, the author of the books ‘Pentagon Aliens’ and ‘Occult Ether Physics: Tesla’s Hidden Space Propulsion System and the Conspiracy to Conceal It’, Werner von Braun was in Los Alamos, New Mexico around 1937 testing Tesla’s “saucer”-technology which then developed into a “wonder weapon”-program of the Nazi Germany.

After WW II this secret “Tesla saucer”-program travelled back to US along with von Braun who started also working on the US rocket and space programs.

The Smoking Gun: An F.B.I. Report of a “Tesla saucer”

A proof of a German electro-propulsion (anti-gravity) flying saucer comes from FBI reports.

In 1957 a Polish immigrant offered his help to the FBI to explain the “car engine stalling UFO sightings” of the 1950s, and shared his experience as a WW II POW working at a prison camp at Gut Alt Golssen near Berlin.

In the report he tells that while going to work to a nearby area in 1944, they started to hear a high pitched noise similar to a large electric generator and their tractor engine stalled which they couldn’t get starting again.

They didn’t see any machinery nearby but when the noise stopped, they could get their tractor starting again.

A few hours later working in the same area, he saw a vehicle slowly rising vertically from behind a tarpaulin-type wall around 50 feet high, surrounding a circular area of 100-150 yards in diameter…

“..This vehicle[…] circular in shape, 75 to 100 yards in diameter, and about 14 feet high, consisting of dark gray stationary top and bottom… The approximate three foot middle section appeared to be a rapidly moving […] producing a continuous blur similar to an aeroplane propeller, but extending the circumference of the vehicle. The noise emanating from the vehicle was similar to the noise previously heard. The engine of the tractor again stalled […] the noise stopped, after which the engine started normally. Uninsulated metal, possibly copper, cables one and one-half inch to two inches in diameter, on and under the surface of the ground, […] were observed…”

A photocopy of this FBI report can be found in ‘Hitler’s Flying Saucers: A Guide to German Flying Discs of the Second World War’ (on this chapter) a book by Henry Stevens.

…the Chinese also have Tesla’s ‘anti gravity propulsion’-technology.

Because the global ‘war industrial complex’ (banker-industrialist cabal) wants Tesla’s inventions to remain a secret they have produced propaganda for decades to make people believe the “flying saucers” are of extraterrestrial origin, but they’re not.

It also seems that most of the super powers of our planet are aware of this technology.

There was an article in China Daily a while ago about the Hangzhou-UFO which made an airport to close down for a while. The source on the matter to China Daily said that the UFO was related to the Chinese military.

The information that the Hangzhou UFO was connected to the Chinese military was also reported by ABC News.

Producing energy ‘over-unity’

One more reason for the banker-industrialist cabal to keep Tesla’s ‘flying machine’ hidden away from the public is that it apparently used(uses) ‘over-unity’-technology to power itself… and naturally “the cabal” don’t want people to have clean and FREE energy because they would make very little money this way.

Tesla talked quite often about extracting energy from the Aether (dynamic light bearing ether) but because most of Tesla’s notes and papers were confiscated by US authorities after his death in 1943, these over-unity-generators are mostly treated as a “myth” or as bogus science, because:

“…There is undisputed scientific consensus that perpetual motion would violate either the first law of thermodynamics, the second law of thermodynamics, or both.” (Wikipedia).

But naturally, there can be errors in these man-made laws.

One of these over-unity-generators is mentioned by Tesla as his ‘particle beam’-device. He tells us that this ‘high potential electro-static generator’ ”…can be made self-existing be suitable connections.” ‘Self Existing’ means this generator produced ALL the energy it needed to operate itself (..and more).

This generator ran on air (perhaps liquid air) and it was hermetically sealed so the same gas was used over and over again (and the air was probably re-liquefied after the combustion process).
William Lyne explains the operation of this type of generator on page x.(preface) in his book Pentagon Aliens.

All the generator needed was an external energy source to start it up, after which it ran till someone stopped it or because of a mechanical failure. This Tesla mentions in his correspondence with Sava Kosanovic, March 1, 1941…

“I add that in the station one must have a small generator or battery of 30 volts for activation.”

I also believe this ‘particle beam’ invention of Nikola Tesla is the device from which they developed the device that they use to make ‘crop circles’.

References: Tesla’s (real) Flying MachineTesla’s Dynamic Theory of GravityPowerPedia:Tesla’s Flying Machine

Source: Humans Are Free
Via: Stillness in the Storm