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Refugees Demands Choice Of Country – Sept 2015


Housam Kbieh Says He Will Return To Syria If He Can’t Stay In Germany

A Syrian refugee has told Sky News that if he is not allowed to stay in the European country of his choice he will return to Syria. David Bowden reports.

Cocky “refugee” makes demands at a German welfare office


Commentary — Islamic refugees invade Western Europe then demand welfare; perfectly acceptable from a globalist perspective. Note the poverty-stricken “refugees” stand laughing at his side as they record the event with their smart phones.

Sweden: Refugee Demands to be housed downtown

How Do Syrian Women Feel about the Men Leaving for Europe as Refugees?”

Here’s what some real refugees think about the current wave of refugees (it’s a Islamic terrorist video, still interesting to see people call these refugees / potential ISIS sleeper agents what they are cowards): “

OGN’s Bilal Abdul Kareem visited the refugee camps in Syria to see how the women of the country feel about the men who have left and are seeking refuge in Europe and other places. This is what they said…

Reporter i Danmark frågar flyktingarna varför de inte vill va i danmark


More Demands:

Here’s some more of them hunger striking until Hungary opens the border:


Refugees: Give Us Money! – Menekültek: Adjatok nekünk pénzt!

190 US Cities that will be forced to receive the following:


Back on April 21st, ANP published a story called “With Christians On Chopping Block, 190 US Cities Secretly Selected To Help Destroy America From Within – Is Your City On ‘The List’?” in which we shared with you a Scribd document from the US Department of State, Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration which listed states, cities, addresses and phone numbers of refugee processing centers across America. The original source for our story was WND.

In light of present day news in Europe and around the world and the announcement by the Obama administration that they will increase the number of refugees coming into America to 10,000, we have decided to republish this list of 190 US cities to receive Syrian refugees as seen in the document embedded below.

Between the now proven fact that ISIS terrorists are amongst the refugees that have made it into Europe with at least two ISIS militants found posing as refugees in Hungary and ISIS’s blatant warning that their terrorists will be mixed in with the families of refugees seeking assistance in Europe, we feel the time has never been more important for Americans to keep their eyes and ears open and keep the contact numbers of their local law enforcement offices close at hand, just in case. Who really knows how many refugees who will be coming into America are really ISIS terrorists intending to do Americans harm?