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Bell already wants a favour from the new government

This is an Internet Emergency. Tell the new government to reject Bell’s underhanded, price-gouging scheme NOW before it’s too late.
Take Action!

URGENT UPDATE: Bell is demanding the brand new Liberal government overturn hard-won Internet choice rules that will prevent Big Telecom from price-gouging you and your family. We need you to speak out about this Internet Emergency NOW.


Bell is wasting no time. Your OpenMedia team has learned that the day after the federal election, the telecom giant began ramming forward a little-used Parliamentary procedure to overturn customer protection rules we helped win earlier this year.1

If successful, Bell could kill Canada’s smaller and more affordable Internet providers so they can price-gouge you at will. And you don’t have to be a Bell customer – this will impact everyone.2,3

This is an Internet Emergency. With the new government sworn in last week, we don’t have a moment to lose. Tell the new government to reject Bell’s underhanded, price-gouging scheme NOW before it’s too late.

Bell is using an obscure, rarely-invoked government procedure to destroy pro-customer Internet choice rules that ensure a wide range of Internet service providers (ISPs) can sell Canadians innovative, affordable Internet services in Canada.

And if they succeed it will be nearly impossible to undo.

Why are they trying to do this? The answer is obvious: to rip-off Canadians, control the entire Internet market, and ensure we have no choice but their outdated services.

This is why we need you to speak out now more than ever. Please, tell the new government to reject Bell’s underhanded power-grab NOW before it’s too late.

Your small OpenMedia team spent more than a year fighting to win these customer protections. We put the perspectives of over 30,000 Canadians on the public record in favour of greater choice and affordability. And we won.4

But now Bell is pushing the Liberal government to hurt Canadians through measures that would reduce Internet service choice and crank up prices. Which raises the question:

Who will the new government side with? Big Telecom? Or us?

This is a make-or-break moment for the Internet in Canada. Please hurry.

–Josh, on behalf of OpenMedia

P.S., Going up against Bell’s army of lobbyists is no small feat. We need your donations to help power our campaign. Donate now to help stop Bell from killing Canada’s smaller and more affordable Internet providers.

[1] BCE launches appeal of CRTC fibre networks ruling. Source: The Globe and Mail.
[2] Bell playing politics with your Internet bill by appealing CRTC ruling. Source: The Globe and Mail.
[3] Bell appeals fibre broadband ruling as digital divide rages. Source: Alphabeatic.
[4] Our crowdsourced policy became government policy. The CRTC heard your call, Canada. Source: OpenMedia.

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