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BREAKING: We Just Found Out 26 Of The ‘Sit In’ Democrats Are Hiding THIS From Voters

BREAKING: We Just Found Out 26 Of The ‘Sit In’ Democrats Are Hiding THIS From Voters

BREAKING: We Just Found Out 26 Of The ‘Sit In’ Democrats Are Hiding THIS From Voters

The selfie-taking Democrats involved in the House floor sit in were hiding something very important from the American people. But as the social media savvy Liberals should already know, nothing stays a secret for long in the internet age.

26 of the Democrat sit in participants calling for “gun control now” – are actually gun owners themselves, HeatStreetreports.

This has to be one of the most bizarre, humorous, and hypocritical twists of fate to ever occur in American politics.

The Democrats broke a full slate of House rules by engaging in the sit in and disrupting proceedings. If a “regular” American had attempted such a thing, or even shouted out from the gallery, the handcuffs would quickly come out.

The 26 Democrat sit in gun owners are:

  • Rep. Ann Kirkpatrick
  • Rep. Bennie Thompson
  • Rep. Dina Titus
  • Rep. Dutch Ruppersberger
  • Rep. Jared Huffman
  • Rep. Jim Cooper
  • Rep. Jim Costa
  • Rep. John Carney
  • Rep. John Garamendi
  • Rep. Keith Ellison
  • Rep. Mike Thompson
  • Rep. Peter DeFazio
  • Rep. Peter Welch
  • Rep. Rick Nolan
  • Rep. Ron Kind
  • Rep. Steve Cohen
  • Rep. Tim Ryan
  • Sen. Gary Peters
  • Sen. Harry Reid
  • Sen. Mark Warner
  • Sen. Martin Heinrich
  • Sen. Patrick Leahy
  • Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse
  • Sen. Tammy Baldwin
  • Sen. Tim Kaine
  • Sen. Tom Carper

The Democrats ended their 25-hour sit in on the House floor earlier today.

They did not force Paul Ryan to call their Second Amendment-infringing legislation to a vote – they merely proved to the world Liberals tend to behave like petulant children when they don’t get their way.

“Saw , how greedy gun makers & NRA make $$ dealing death, then legally bribe fake pols for protection” Gun  owner Representative Keith Ellison tweeted while at the sit in which doubled as a fundraising effort for the DNC.

When a Liberal knows enough about guns to admit a semi-automatic handgun, which they are not trying to ban, can kill as quickly and as efficiently as a semi-automatic rifle, (such as the AR-15) then I may at least listen to what they have to say – but not until then.

If the Democrats had been upfront about their gun ownership status instead of behaving like guns are evil, they would have walked away from the sit in looking a tiny bit less foolish.

Maybe they think it is safe and reasonable for such important people like themselves to be entrusted with guns – just not these rest of us mere mortals who write their paychecks!

Source: angrypatriotmovement