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Corrupt Democrats Caught By Press Chatting About Receiving Clinton Ambassadorships For Their Support

Some corrupt Democrats were caught by The New York Times boasting about possibly receiving ambassadorship for donating to former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

Here’s the relevant passage in the article: (emphasis bolded)

At first-come-first-served seats near the bar, assistants huddled around lengthy spreadsheets, figuring out which donors were entitled to which passes to which events. Outside, a protester walked with a sign denouncing big money. Inside, two stocky men could be heard debating the merits of the different ambassadorships they hoped to earn under Mrs. Clinton. Even a low-ranking posting meant having “ambassador” on a child’s wedding invitation, the two agreed, and would be helpful in wrangling invitations to sit on corporate boards.

The rest of the article details how a bunch of snooty, elite wealthy leftists were able to return to the forefront of the Democrat Party once  the populist insurgency of Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) had been quelled with Clinton officially nominated.

If the Times had overheard a couple of Republican donors bragging about the possibility of being nominated to an ambassadorship under a President Donald Trump, it would be front-page news with the full details of each donor; Trump and every other elected Republican would be subjected to series of relentless questions about it for at least a day or two. But since the donors are Clinton donors, it warranted only a brief paragraph mention buried deep in a story without many details. More at Source