Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio and President Obama each have pending cases against the other, but the conclusion of one is about to be revealed. In August 2011, Arpaio launched an investigation into the legitimacy of the birth certificate Obama finally presented and posted on the White House website, which he claimed was his official birth […]
Just over a year ago when the Obama administration first introduced the vague, scary-sounding, all encompassing concept of “costs” when it explained how US sanctions would cripple the Russian economy, we mocked this latest bout of amateurism by the US State Department, noting that ig anything it would instead crush Europe’s dominant, and far more […]
“But you don’t have a choice. People act like you have a choice… But for the world at large, normalcy only returns when we’ve largely vaccinated the entire global population.” Bill Gates speaking to The Financial Times on April 8, 2020 about the Covid-19 vaccine: You Don’t Have A Choice “But you don’t have […]