Watch the video. About 30 seconds in you see an invader dangle a baby over the side of the boat
Euronews ridiculously pretends that this might have been to indicate that help was needed. In fact, it is a standard tactic invaders have used for years when they fear being intercepted before reaching land.
This is not an isolated incident.
About thirty immigrants arrived in Melilla today on board a small boat. There were four children among the occupants, two of them very young. They can scarcely have been two years old and couldn’t even walk, but they were the key to the boat obtaining its objective of disembarking in the autonomous city.
According to the government delegation, the adult immigrants who were travelling with them threatened the Guardia Civil with throwing them into the sea if they intercepted them to hand them over to the Moroccan patrol boats who had been following from the moment they left the vicinity of the port of Nador.
The institution insisted that the SubSaharans made “unequivocal gestures” of this threat. Police sources confirm that it was some of the adult males who took the two babies and held them over board to make it clear to the Guardia Civil officers that they would let them fall into the water if they weren’t allowed to continue towards the Melilla beach to finally step on Spanish soil.
Source: El Mundo H/T: Maria José