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North Korea is ‘mass producing biological weapons’ and could unleash smallpox, cholera, plague and anthrax on US troops

KIM Jong-un is feared to be secretly mass producing biological weapons to unleash nightmarish plagues on US troops, a report has found. Under the cover of a farm lab, it is claimed North Korean che…

Source: North Korea is ‘mass producing biological weapons’ and could unleash smallpox, cholera, plague and anthrax on US troops


NKOREA Secretly ‘Mass Producing’ Bio Weapons…

Smallpox, cholera, plague, anthrax…

This chilling prospect is laid bare in a shocking report which states highly infectious diseases could be spread via a missile, drones, planes and sprayers

Kim Jong-un is thought to be arming himself to the teeth with horrific weapons

Radio Free Asia cited a report released by Belfer Centre of Harvard University’s Kennedy School, which says the rogue state already has biological weapons.

And it is feared that North Korea has the industrial facilities to mass produce them, flouting a UN ban on the doomsday weapons.

The chilling report states that the highly infectious diseases could be spread via a missile, drones, planes and sprayers.

North Korea’s 200,000 special forces could also unleash the bio-weapons.

The report states: “While nuclear programs can be monitored by the number of nuclear tests and the success of missile tests, weaponise and cultivating pathogens can stay invisible behind closed doors.

“Moreover, equipment used for BW production are often dual-use for agriculture, making external monitoring and verification virtually impossible.”