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WATCH: Cops Threaten Mom at Child’s Bus Stop to Make Sure She’d Vaccinated Her Son

A mother was stalked and harassed by police and subsequently threatened with arrest for her choice to vaccinate her son, as she dropped him at the bus stop.

Source: WATCH: Cops Threaten Mom at Child’s Bus Stop to Make Sure She’d Vaccinated Her Son

A particularly disturbing video was submitted to the Free Thought Project this week showing the Orwellian implications of state-mandated vaccination laws. Porsha Rasheed was simply walking her six-year-old son to the bus stop last week when she was approached by a Claremont police officer and a representative of the school district and harassed in an attempt to find out the vaccination status of her child.

Rasheed, who appears to be well-informed of her rights, did the right thing and filmed the interaction and also refused to answer their questions. However, it does not take away from the sheer ominous nature of this type of activity.

On June 30, 2015, California governor Jerry Brown signed SB 277 effectively stripping the personal and religious belief exemptions for parents who choose not to vaccinate their children. The law went into effect in 2016 and required that all children entering daycare, kindergarten, or 7th grade to be vaccinated unless they have a medical exemption.

Now, it appears that the enforcers of this recently enacted law are going to extreme lengths to do their job of forcing compliance—up to and including staking out parents as they drop their kids off at the bus stop.

In true Stasi-esque fashion, the officer and the school official approached Rasheed and demanded she show them her papers.


“I just want to know do you have the vaccine records or not?” said Philipe Levasen.

Rasheed then demands to know who is asking her these questions and the man responds that he is Philipe Levasen.

“What is your position that you need to know this?” asks Rasheed.

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“Ma’am, I’m the one who needs to know if you have had the vaccines with your son,” Levasen says.

The Free Thought Project checked with the Claremont Unified School District and there is no position with the title “one who needs to know if you have had the vaccines.”

Rasheed holds strong and refuses to answer any questions which the police or school district could potentially use to incriminate her.

“As of right now, you don’t have vaccines,” says the official who continuously refused to identify his position or reason for being there.

After realizing that Rasheed was not going to give in to their bullying practices, the cop—who refused to give her name—and the school official got in the police car and left.

When police and bureaucrats are dispatched out like this to enforce vaccine compliance, it speaks to the nature of the state and illustrates the lengths to which they will go to strip parents of their right to informed consent.

Rasheed posted the video to her Facebook after this incident and noted that she called police to make a complaint. However, she says police were unconcerned with her complaint and instead told her that she could be arrested if she failed to vaccinate her little boy.

Please watch this Video and share I am. I am being set up by the Claremont school district to be arrested and they are trying to force me to give my child immunization shots! I woke up this morning and walked my kids to the bus stop like I always do. Guess who was waiting the Claremont police department along with another man asking me about my child’s shots! I called the police department to make a complaint for harassment and was told by the sergeant, that me not giving my kids shots is a criminal act and that I will be arrested. This is why they were at the bus stop to try to incriminate me by me attempting to them that my son does not have any shots. This is crazy!! I want the world to know if I am arrested this is why! I will follow up with the facts!!!! Of this situation! Please watch and share

For those that feel it is ridiculous to think that a mother could be thrown in jail for refusing to vaccinate her child, consider the following case out of Detroit, Michigan last month. For refusing to go against her beliefs and vaccinate her son, Rebecca Bredow was sentenced to seven days in a cage.

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Bredow, who had sole custody of her child, refused to adhere to a court order siding with her ex-husband mandating that she vaccinate her son. She was subsequently arrested and has since lost custody of her child.

Whether or not you agree with a mother’s decision to not vaccinate their child is irrelevant. While there will likely be some folks cheering on the state in these situations, how you feel personally about vaccines should never lead to a loss of freedom. No person should be forced by government regulation or societal pressure to receive any medication or treatment, including vaccines, against his or her will.