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BREAKING: Police HORRIFIED After Raiding Antifa Member’s House – Find “All Necessary Components” For America’s WORST NIGHTMARE

Source: BREAKING: Police HORRIFIED After Raiding Antifa Member’s House – Find “All Necessary Components” For America’s WORST NIGHTMARE

The media has tried to portray Antifa as a peaceful activist group, but conservatives know the truth—they’re a violent, far left organization funded by George Soros, intent on the destruction of the United States. While many knew they were capable of atrocities however, nobody expected to find what police just found inside an Antifa member’s house.

It all started when police received a domestic disturbance call at 124 Bradwick Circle. Someone had called in complaining of yelling, so the police assumed it would be just another routine noise complaint—after arriving and seeing what was on the scene however, their lives would be changed forever.

The police officers pulled up at the Florida home and immediately identified Christopher S. Langer, a 31-year-old Antifa member. Apparently he’d been arguing with his parents quite loudly, which is why the neighbors called in the complaint. So, naturally the police decided to investigate.

At first, Langer was stubborn as an ox—he refused to give the police any information, but eventually they broke him. He confessed to having a live grenade in his backyard, which deputies went on to locate. This then prompted them to search his house, and what they found inside is absolutely terrifying.

Deputies immediately evacuated the home and began searching around for clues. They didn’t have to search far though before discovering what this Antifa thug had planned. Apparently he was preparing to make a “weapon of mass destruction,” as he’d been hoarding hundreds of different types of powders, acids, and other materials.


Police found an estimated 200 containers inside the Antifa member’s home, containing dozens of unknown powders, acids, and other chemicals—some even contained bodily fluids, although it’s uncertain why. They also found a SpongeBob SquarePants lunch box used as a booby trap, but were able to defuse it.

Click Orlando reports:

DeBARY, Fla. – A man arrested at a DeBary home where deputies uncovered explosive devices and about 200 containers holding unknown powders, acids and other materials, including bodily fluids, was one step from creating a weapon of mass destruction, Volusia County Sheriff Mike Chitwood said.

The Volusia County Sheriff’s Office said deputies were called Sunday afternoon to a domestic disturbance at 124 Bradwick Circle. Deputies said Christopher S. Langer, 31, was arguing with his parents when he told them that he had placed an explosive substance inside a grenade.

Langer, who deputies said was intoxicated, initially denied the grenade existed, but later said he had thrown it outside, authorities said. A deputy found a metal pineapple-style grenade that had a paperclip in place to hold the lever and keep it from exploding, the Sheriff’s Office said.

Deputies evacuated the house, and a search resulted in the discovery of an estimated 200 containers inside the home containing unknown powders, acids and other materials. At least 79 containers were placed in a containment area, and many others were determined to be holding bodily fluids, officials said.

Chitwood said Langer also used a SpongeBob SquarePants lunch box as a booby trap that was planted in the backyard.

“That domestic violence call probably saved us from making national and international news,” Chitwood said. “He has all the components in there to make a weapon of mass destruction.”

Chitwood said the seized chemicals included nitric acid and urea, similar to items used in the 1993 bombing of the World Trade Center.

Chitwood described Langer, who has been hospitalized four times under the state’s Baker Act, as a heroin addict who is anti-government and wanted to “get even” by harming first responders.

Authorities were recently called to the same home and used Narcan to revive Langer, who overdosed on heroin, Chitwood said.

“Two weeks ago we saved your (G**-d****) life, and now we’re here two weeks later and you’re talking about how you want to blow us all up,” Chitwood said.

On Oct. 25, Langer’s mother called 911 after she found him gasping for breath. A Volusia County deputy used a second dose of Narcan to revive Langer, after the first had little effect, according to the incident report.

The sheriff said Langer’s parents claimed that they were unaware of their son’s collection of chemicals.

Chitwood said the house was normal except for Langer’s bedroom.

“If I was a roach, I wouldn’t live in that room,” Chitwood said. “That’s how despicable and dirty and and feces- and urine-filled that room is. The rest of the house is in pretty good shape.”

Chitwood said that since Langer is not a convicted felon, it was legal for him to own most of the items in his possession.

Langer also saved bottles of his urine, which can be used to make a bomb, Chitwood said.

A bomb squad, the ATF and other agencies worked through the night to render the house safe, Chitwood said.

Some neighboring houses were evacuated Sunday afternoon, but residents were allowed to return home later in the evening.

“Thank the good Lord that we’re all standing here today and not national news,” Chitwood said.

Neighbor Rich Groen said it’s scary to think about what might have happened if authorities didn’t intervene.

“You don’t expect this in your own neighborhood and just to think that there could have been a bomb go off that could have took all of us out of here,” Groen said.

Langer was arrested on charges of making/possessing a destructive device. He was taken to the Volusia County Branch Jail, where he was being held on a $5,000 bond. Additional charges are possible.

Of course, the mainstream liberal media won’t be reporting on this today—they’d rather show edited clips of President Trump feeding Koi Fish or pull some out-of-context quote from one of his books in an attempt to smear his reputation. The media is not on your side.

Ever since President Trump announced his candidacy for President, and his pro-American policies, the media began their intricate plans to destroy his reputation. Fortunately for us however, they didn’t count on independent conservative media spreading the truth. It’s on us to win the Info Wars, because CNN sure as hell won’t help us.