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Action4Canada Week of Prayer and Fasting

Action4Prayer&Fasting - Week of Apr 26 - May 2

When: Daily Beginning Tuesday April 26 through Monday May 2, 2022
Where: via Zoom: https://action4canada.zoom.us/j/85433566485
Meeting ID: 854 3356 6485
Start Time: 7AM PST (10AM EST)

If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land.
2 Chronicles 7:14

Action4Canada is looking forward to a week of praying and fasting and anticipating God will do great things.

Pastor Artur Pawlowski, Pastor Dan Vachon, Pastor Ken Gilliard, Pastor Brent Smith, and several other pastors will be joining us to bring a daily word of exhortation and then we’ll go right into a time of corporate prayer.

Points Of Prayer:

  • That God would set this country free
  • Pray over our families & youth
  • Pray for Godly Leaders in Government
  • Pray for Canadians and their Salvation & for Revival to sweep across our land
  • Pray that we humble ourselves before the Lord and draw near and dwell with our Father daily
  • Pray for Action4Canada & our Chapter Leaders that God would grant them Wisdom to lead their teams.

We believe there is a great harvest still to come in spite of the evil in this world. God is moving and we are seeing souls saved and others questioning what is going on. So PTL as the evil darkness is being exposed by the light of truth which sets men & women free.

*10 Biblical Reasons For Fasting & Prayer

Many can go with little food for a day, but some have medical problems and can’t. You can fast by skipping a meal a day such as breakfast or you can do a Daniel fast. We encourage you – if you are able – to try and skip two or three meals a day, for seven days – the Holy Spirit will fill & sustain you.

Matthew 5:6: Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled.

Allow the Holy Spirit to guide you and always remember that fasting without prayer is not fasting at all.

WE WELCOME YOU TO SHARE YOUR TESTIMONIES OF ANSWERED PRAYERS AND GOD’S FAITHFULLNESS. Please submit your testimonies to prayer-requests@action4canada.ca and we will post them as an encouragement to others.


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