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AFD’s Martin Hess Slams Germany’s Parliament: ‘You Have Allowed War Machines (Migrants) to Enter Our Country’ (Video)

AFD's Martin Hess Slams Germany's Parliament: 'You Have Allowed War Machines to Enter Our Country'
AFD’s Martin Hess Slams Germany’s Parliament: ‘You Have Allowed War Machines to Enter Our Country’

I have only one urgent appeal: It is your task to protect the citizens in the best possible way. For God’s sake, you should finally start doing that.” – Martin Hess

Martin Hess is a former chief superintendent in the German police and a member of the Bundestag for the Alternative für Deutschland, (AFD).

In the following speech, Mr. Hess speaks in the Bundestag about the increasing danger in Chancellor Angela Merkel’s Germany as a result of mass islamic migration into the country;

The Islamic terrorist threat is higher than ever. The rates of migrant and knife crime are rising steadily. Serious sexual offenses, such as gang rape, are on the rise. Women and children are being pushed on tracks in front of arriving trains.

In addition to that, hospitals, swimming pools, schools and unemployment centers can no longer function without security personnel. The attacks against police, the fire brigade and rescue workers are becoming more and more brutal. Petty criminals run entire city districts tyrannically, storming police stations and hospitals. The security authorities confirm and warn about the massive influx of new dangerous clans with war-experienced immigrants.”


AfD-Fraktion Bundestag

The AfD is pretty much the only classical European party on the German political spectrum. They are family oriented, want secure borders, and believe in the preservation of the nation state of Germany, much as President Trump does of America.

Speech transcript:

“Mr. President, ladies and gentlemen. Mr. Interior Minister.

After listening to your statements on the domestic security situation, an objective outside observer could come to only one conclusion: Either you suffer from a massive dysfunction in your perception of reality, or you are varnishing the situation. What you have presented here as our current security situation has nothing to do with the reality of living in our country.

Germany is becoming increasingly insecure, and our government is losing more and more ground to its enemies. That’s the irrefutable truth. Every normal thinking person in this country recognizes that too. Why else do you have to pay more and more money for domestic security? Why else would you increase the number of posts and employ more security authorities, if Germany is supposedly the safest it has been for thirty years?

Mr. Interior Minister, our Citizens won’t be taken for fools. They recognize these contradictions. You constantly recite the “Germany is oh-so-safe” fairy tale to the citizens of our country for one reason only. You want to cover up your borderline dilettante political failures in domestic security. But let me tell you something: more and more citizens are starting to see through this farce. It won’t help to try and persuade our citizens that their subjective sense of insecurity doesn’t correspond to the actual situation. It’s as if you’re trying to say our citizens are only imagining that Germany is becoming more and more insecure. Especially now, in the days before Christmas, in the Christmas markets across the country, it’s pretty obvious to everyone who it is that is actually suffering from a massive perception disorder.

Our children will no longer be able to remember a Christmas without terror and heavily armed police officers, and that’s exactly the central evidence of your failure. It confirms that the citizens are right. With this budget you are trying eliminate security problems that wouldn’t exist without your unacceptable failure in the area of domestic security. If the Federal Government had made the right decisions, Germany would be much safer today.

You’ve had and still have the opportunity to implement a security policy that leads to maximum protection for our citizens, but it is precisely here, in this central function, undoubtedly the most central task of our government, that you have failed miserably, and it has resulted in fatal consequences for the health, freedom and property of our citizens.

We cannot and will never accept this security disaster. The greatest possible security for our citizens must finally be Established, and there must be no compromises. You always promote the defense of our constitution and our values here, but do the exact opposite when you allow €7 million in taxpayers’ money to be distributed to all mosques to promote integration. This includes Ditib [Turkish-Islamic Union for Religious Affairs] mosques.

Our own security authorities say that Ditib is involved in massive anti-governmental activities, and therefore should actually be monitored by the intelligence service. So you even finance Islamists and Salafists. The fact is, Mr. Interior Minister, you’re giving the fox permission to watch the hen house. We won’t participate in financing enemies of the state.

Anyone who walks through our republic every day with their eyes wide open can see plainly how bad our security situation is. The Islamic terrorist threat is higher than ever. The rates of migrant and knife crime are rising steadily. Serious sexual offenses, such as gang rape, are on the rise. Women and children are being pushed on tracks in front of arriving trains.

In addition to that, hospitals, swimming pools, schools and unemployment centers can no longer function without security personnel. The attacks against police, the fire brigade and rescue workers are becoming more and more brutal. Petty criminals run entire city districts tyrannically, storming police stations and hospitals. The security authorities confirm and warn about the massive influx of new dangerous clans with war-experienced immigrants. These are war machines, which you have allowed to enter our country, unhindered, with your fatal migration policy, and this is a scandal! In the nation’s capital, drug dealers with residence permits and permission from every state institution sell drugs unhindered.

Germany is the safest it’s ever been? On the contrary, Germany has obviously mutated into a security policy madhouse. In view of this devastating balance, I have only one urgent appeal: It is your task to protect the citizens in the best possible way. For God’s sake, you should finally start doing that. Sebastian Hartmann of the SPD is the next speaker.”