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Alberta truck convoy plans counter-protest to climate rally with Greta Thunberg | CBC News

“A group of oil and gas supporters is planning a counter-rally when Swedish climate activist Greta Thunberg shows up at the Alberta legislature in Edmonton on Friday.”

‘Tired of celebrities'”We in the province of Alberta are tired of celebrities coming into our province and trying to tell us how to run our oil and gas sector,” read a post on the United We Roll Facebook page.”I am asking everyone connected to the oil and gas industry to come out in unity to show Greta we do not need her yelling at us.”

Source: Alberta truck convoy plans counter-protest to climate rally with Greta Thunberg | CBC News

Alberta Premier Jason Kenney said : “I’d hold out hope that anybody would be willing to look at the objective data, which is that Alberta has the highest environment, human rights and labour standards of any other major energy producer on Earth,”

Time to stop thinking about what Saudi Arabia, wants what Russia wants, what the USA wants, what China wants what OPEC wants, what pacrim trade partners want, what the UN wants, and what Gretta a girl by her own admission in front to of the civilized world that she should be in school wants.

Greta, I feel for you and would love to interview you, Now in the years to come 🙂  Truth is you are part of an aparatus. You might know it now to be true, if not now then soon you get perspective. Puberty has a way of making us aware of much more. 

What some of see is a world wide press junket, aka propaganda tour the agenda delivered and social engineered via such puppets and their staged public engagements for mass sharing and retweeting on every capable device on the planet. All the electrical juice and bandwidth it has consumed be it by humans or bots… Well this too will fade, but as the say it is forever now if it is on the Net.

This is what Canadians are saying: ‘Tired of celebrities’

This not hate this is perspectives and facts

“We in the province of Alberta are tired of celebrities coming into our province and trying to tell us how to run our oil and gas sector,” read a post on the United We Roll Facebook page. https://www.facebook.com/UnitedWeRollForCanada/

“I am asking everyone connected to the oil and gas industry to come out in unity to show Greta we do not need her yelling at us.”

We are open to comment from Camp Greta 🙂