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All humans may be descended from just TWO people, study suggests

Interesting read. Note all the post script edits trying their best to say “It’s not proving the Bible right.”

A scientific study has prompted speculation that all modern humans could have descended from a solitary pair who lived 100,000 to 200,000 years ago.

Source: All humans may be descended from just TWO people, study suggests | Daily Mail Online

All humans may be descended from just TWO people and a catastrophic event almost wiped out ALL species 100,000 years ago, study suggests

  • Genetic ‘bar codes’ of five million animals from different species were surveyed
  • Research prompted speculation humans and animals sprang from single pair
  • This may have happened after a catastrophic event after the last ice age
  • The study has been misunderstood by some religious parties who interpreted it as challenging evolutionary theory, which has been denied by the authors