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Anglican Church ‘in a crisis’ on sexuality and marriage | An agenda that belongs out side of the Church creates a Crisis within a Church | How could it not?

An agenda that belongs out side of the Church creates a Crisis within a Church | How could it not? We have a right to hold in circumspect those that would seek to hijack the rudimentary tenements of The Faith.

In the real world “No Thank You” is a complete sentece and not punishable @ law.

The lawfare in our secular courts, and in our church counsels is not based on self evident truths or the gospel, it is the hand of the adversary from within and with out.

One of the country’s most senior Anglicans has declared the church is in a new “crisis” over same-sex marriage as Melbourne Archbishop Philip Freier tries to calm a week of frenzied debate over whether LGBTQI people are welcome in the faith.

Dr Freier, the Anglican Primate or head bishop, said crisis was “a strong word” and sought to downplay the question of sexuality and same-sex marriage as a “social issue” and a matter of conscience.

His statement came in response to comments from Sydney’s conservative archbishop Glenn Davies, who told The Sunday Age the Anglican church was “in a crisis” because some clergy wanted to alter its doctrine to become more accepting of same-sex unions.

It followed an incendiary speech to the Sydney diocese’s synod last week in which Dr Davies declared people who didn’t ascribe to the doctrine should “please leave” the church. He said later his remarks were directed at “the bishops” and clergy, not “the people in the pews”.

The remarks were in part triggered by a vote of the Wangaratta diocese and its bishop John Parkes to bless (but not solemnise) civil same-sex unions. Dr Freier has referred that matter to the church’s internal appellate tribunal.

More @ Source: Anglican Church ‘in a crisis’ on sexuality and marriage


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