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B.C. Supreme Court delivers a blow to vaxpass Charter challenge

B.C. Supreme Court judge dismisses another challenge to

province’s discriminatory vaccine passport

It was not the result we expected, but the fight continues against B.C.’s vaxpass system. 

The now-dormant system that B.C. politicians used to track, segregate and demonize certain groups in society for months until earlier this year was taken to task during four B.C. Supreme Court challenges this spring. 

There were four challenges, one of which was led by lawyers from The Democracy Fund (TDF) and crowdfunded by Rebel News viewers.

Jeremy Maddock, who represented himself and was not part of the TDF challenge, was one of the four plaintiffs to present arguments.

Maddock argued that the vaccine passport — which caused unvaccinated patrons to be denied the right to engage in normal activities in society, such as dining at restaurants or going to a movie theatre — breached his rights to life, liberty, and security of the person in accordance with Section 7 of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. 

Last week, the judge delivered all four decisions, shockingly dismissing each one. 

Click here to learn about the judge’s rulings and find out what happens next.

The Chief Justice did find that Maddock, who is unvaccinated for personal reasons, “is clearly entitled to accept or decline even life-saving medical treatment.” 

But he stated that the vaxpass did not “impose a decision on the petitioner” – does this mean if the government isn’t actively trying to hold you down and give you the needle, they can do anything they can dream of to coerce you? 

In Maddock’s words: “If this precedent stands, [the government] can make your life as inconvenient or unpleasant or uncomfortable as it wants to without infringing your right to liberty.”  

What do you think about this decision?

This fight, including the TDF challenge, aren’t necessarily over. The opportunity to appeal these decisions still exists.

To see what we’re doing to fight back and find out how you can donate towards the legal efforts, please click here or go to FightVaccinePassports.com. 

Yours truly, 

Drea Humphrey

P.S. I’ll have more reports on this and many of our other stories following the fight against vaccine passports at FightVaccinePassports.com. You can go there to see the latest and pitch in a donation to support the legal battles to challenge the legality of vaccine passports and make sure they never return. 


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