Ben Lost it big time! Like a rabid dog Carson starts to sling the poo over OBAMA. Finally a Black man with some sensible following is coming out and calling the OBAMANAUTS AKA the MSM to the floor and to task.
He mockingly asks about:
Frank Marshall Davis
Bill Ayers
Jeremiah Wright
Occidental then on to Columbia – How does that work?
OBAMA’S Records Sealed….
Carson demands an answer from the press as to why the Main Stream Media has not done a proper investigation on these points among others. It just may be time to bring out the big guns and obliterate the fallacy that the MSM has not covered up for Barry for years.
Carson is clearly doing this in reaction to his own dirty laundry airing in the last week and to cast dispersion so as to deflect the MSM assault on his skeletons in the closet.
Carson says of the press:
“The American PEOPLE are waking up to your games!” Dr. Ben Carson.
“The American PEOPLE are waking up to your games!” Dr. Ben Carson.