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Ben Fulford Claims a Mars Space Base was Destroyed This Month

The United States has been flying to Mars since at least the 1970s, where Billy Meiers snapped pictures of an American spaceship. (See 1:20:10 for photo.)
Andrew Basiago and Barack Obama (1) “jumped” or teleported to Mars.
In 2011 American deep underground military bunkers (DUMBs) were destroyed in the U.S. and elsewhere. (2) These were to be used by the cabal to keep them from the effects of the nuclear winter caused in the World War III they had been planning since the 1970s.

Now comes the allegation from Ben Fulford that secret U.S. bases on Mars were recently blown up. (3) He cites this video as capturing the explosions.
I have no idea of the validity of the claims. I cite them just for interest’s sake.
If they were true, I conjecture that the explosions were timed to go off when the comet passed Mars and public attention was focused on it. But that’s a simple, wild-eyed guess.

The video Ben attaches attributes the explosion to the comet’s dust tail but Ben attributes it, via MI5 sources, to an actual explosion. Your discernment requested.

Ben says:
We can confirm through MI5 British Intelligence that last week NASA abruptly terminated live coverage of a comet approaching Mars after a planet sized explosion suddenly appeared there. Here is a link to an independently filmed video of that explosion:

A US based source who correctly predicted the trouble in the Ukraine and the disappearance of the Malaysian airliner, says the “the US Mars base was destroyed.” British intelligence confirmed that contrary to what the world public has been told, the US did in indeed have people on Mars.
A spokesperson for Japan’s national observatory said “if NASA is not going to comment on that, then certainly we won’t either.”
This writer was also contacted over the phone recently by people claiming to be part of the group that seized the US underground bases. They say they found people in cages and signs of gruesome genetic experiments. The bases remain closed to prevent the Western Cabal elite from fleeing to them, the sources say.
(1) “Alfred Webre: Mars Visitors Basiago and Stillings Confirm Barack Obama Traveled to Mars,” Nova. 10, 2011, at http://goldenageofgaia.com/2011/11/10/al…d-to-mars/ and “Andrew Basiago, Teleportation, and Project Pegasus,” Sept. 24, 2010, at http://goldenageofgaia.com/2010/09/24/an…t-pegasus/
(2) “The truth of the destruction of the underground bunkers revealed,” in”The Truth Will Be Revealed – Part 6,” May 21, 2013, at http://goldenageofgaia.com/2013/05/21/th…d-part-6/.
(3) Benjamin Fulford, “The Battle for the Planet Earth is Reaching a Climax,” October 28, 2014, by email. ALL