can confirm that North Korea was not behind the Sony hack contrary to major media reports. An investigation into the data shows that someone copied the released 200GB of data over 5-6 hours on the night of November 21st. Based on the date time stamps of the released data the transfer speed is roughly in […]
Strong military presence at Laguardia. Supposedly unattended vehicle in arrival area. Asking all to evacuate terminal B. — Rachel Moylan (@rachelamoylan) September 23, 2016 All passengers leaving terminal B at Laguardia Airport. — Rachel Moylan (@rachelamoylan) September 23, 2016 Movement in Laguardia! Passengers allowed to move freely after 2 hours of evacuation procedures. […]
Poison? Plague? Heart attack gun? NK folks are getting offed left and right in Russia. The article is unclear as to whether they are current agents for the NK government. Either way, someone wants them dead. Two North Koreans found dead in the same hotel in the west of Russia’s capital They both suffered ‘acute […]