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Bill C-233 is Universal Basic Income with extreme ‘Standardized Health Requirements’. This is better known as The Chinese Social Credit System.

Bill C-223 for a Guaranteed Livable Basic Income in Canada
VIA: https://www.ubiworks.ca/guaranteed-livable-basic-income

Bill-S233 requires vaxx to receive CPP

Bill C-233 is Universal Basic Income with extreme ‘Standardized Health Requirements’. This is better known as The Chinese Social Credit System.

So no jab, no job, no EI-Unemployment, Medical, Welfare, Pensions, etc. No more access to your money, Healthcare, or Driver’s Licence, etc.

Bill C-273 is the same concept.

Write your MP and say NO‼️

Download Full text of Bill C-223: https://assets.website-files.com/5f07c00c5fce40c46b92df3d/61bb9111e4888178a17bb310_C-223_1.PDF


Malcolm Shoolbraid – 23 hours ago

“At the end of the day, when people look back at the level of independence and free choice that they have payed for this, many will will be remorseful to have taken this bribe. Solving income inequality is a must, but trading in your freedom for a lolly pop is as foolish as it gets. Look into it people, get informed, watch what the WEF is up to before you fall for this bribe. Do your own research. There is far more to this than it may seem. Please educate yourselves at the very least before making the assumption that this is a good plan. Thanks”

WEF, Canada and a Netherlands “test” global digital travel ID (vaxpass 2.0)

Canada Threatens to Revoke “Travel “Privileges – | “…looking for more ways to take away your passport(s) and freedom.” | VIDEO

This Bill will shape the future of Canada and embrace and supply many new comers to Canada with UBI payments.

In Committee on Twitter: "Report n⁰11 from #SECU on Bill #S233 is now available: https://t.co/1ZDX5ApETW #cdnpoli… "Report n⁰11 from #SECU on Bill #S233 is now available: https://www.ourcommons.ca/DocumentViewer/en/42-1/SECU/report-11/ #cdnpoli

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