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BLACKS ONLY ZONE: White People Told To Vacate College So Blacks Feel Safe

#ConceredStudent1950 is dividing into seven groups,They're asking white allies to leave #ConcernedStudent1950
#ConceredStudent1950 is dividing into seven groups,They’re asking white allies to leave #ConcernedStudent1950

I honestly hate forcing my opinion on people, but what is going on at the Missouri campus now, completely disgusts me. College race baiting has been getting worse and worse recently. Now, Iā€™m not saying that there are not racial issues to be dealt with. There certainly are. That being said, race-baiters are the monsters who take good intentions of reform and turn it into a personal power play. HaTTiP

This time it happened at old trouble free University of Missouri (BIG Surpriseā€¦). Well, immediately following the protests that led to the ousting of former University President Tim Wolfe, the ā€œconcerned student organizationā€ behind the whole thing asked their white ā€œalliesā€ to leave. Thatā€™s right! They said they wanted a ā€œblack-only healing zone.ā€ This unfortunately sounds like exactly what their old president wanted for them too.



Black only healing space for the students to share, decompress, be vulnerable & real. #ConcernedStudent1950
Black only healing space for the students to share, decompress, be vulnerable & real. #ConcernedStudent1950

Mark Kim, a reporter for KOMU who was at the scene, told TheBlaze he spoke with people around the area and confirmed that white individuals had formed a separate group upstairs.