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Border Crises Exploding: Biden Orders Active Duty Troops ( Clerks) to Deploy for “ Data Entry”

The troops being sent to the border won’t be there to stop illegal aliens, but to “supplement” data entry and let illegals in to the US.

Troops at Border Working on Data Entry, Not Border Protection – National File

With Title 42 set to expire, Biden and company are preparing to let tens of thousands of illegal aliens per day enter the United States.

The US government has announced it’s sending 1,500 troops to the southern border with Mexico to “supplement” Border Patrol forces, but the troops aren’t there to protect the border and have instead been tasked with “data entry”, logging information about illegal aliens before they’re turned loose and let into the United States.

With Title 42 border protections, which allow for the rapid deportation of illegal aliens, expiring in the coming days, the Biden Administration has claimed it’s moving to secure the southern border, but new information confirms that Joe Biden and company are preparing to do the exact opposite and open America’s border up to an even more relentless stream of illegal aliens.

The 1,500 troops being sent to the border, supposedly to “supplement” the Border Patrol agents and National Guard troops already on the scene, won’t actually be protecting the border, but helping to open it up by logging data on illegal aliens on behalf of the DHS, before sending them on their way and deep into the United States.

According to a report from the Washington Free Beacon, whose reporters reviewed an internal memo from the Department of Homeland Security, a DHS official, who spoke on the condition of anonymity, detailed Biden’s plans to further open the US border with Mexico. This information totally debunks the headlines of the fake news media, which has sought to give Biden a “win” on the increasingly desperate situation at the border, by claiming that he’s sending in reinforcements.

More @ Source: Troops at Border Working on Data Entry, Not Border Protection – National File


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