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Breaking! Epstein exposing Miami Herald reporter promises ‘thousand and thousands more documents’ coming!

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Speaking with host Morgan Radford, the award-winning journalist said many more revelations are still forthcoming about the wealth manager pedophile who reportedly committed suicide in a Manhattan jail on Saturday while awaiting trial on human trafficking charges.



“I think everybody is shocked that he was able to execute it [his suicide], that he should have probably been watched a little more carefully,” Brown told the MSNBC host. “At least since his suicide watch was recently lifted, you would think they would have been checking on him a little more closely.”

“Given what you’ve learned, do you think the alleged victims will get any form of justice?” Radford pressed.

“I sense that U.S. Attorney Jeffrey Berman in New York is pretty resolute in his effort to find justice for these victims and certainly with all the documents that were released the other day, there’s a lot of angles for him to pursue,” she replied. “There is so much information in those documents and we have thousands and thousands of more documents that are probably going to be released. There are so many threads of information and evidence and testimony and witnesses that are contained in those documents that he has a lot to work with there.”